I'm sure I will be coming back to this subject again very shortly (and another similar topic), but I have to get this off my chest right now, and that is, that particular item drops in this server is ridiculous. I'm not talking so much about the really good stuff like say thunderfury, frostmourne, etc. which (and again I'll get back to this subject but looking through it at another angle), but more simpler stuff that newer players should get access to in order to get the better stuff such as keys of destruction, hate, or terror, any ring other than the useless nagel ring and raven frost ring , and the dwarf ring (amulets aren't too much of a problem), and most in particular runes. With regard to those (i.e. runes), again I'm not bothered too much that say runes from perhaps ber or jah and up are hard to find. Ok, but how about the other ones such as ohm which is desperately needed in order to deal more damage to endgame bosses for physical characters? Well too bad, it's a chore to get.

I pretty much went on with this rant because not too long ago I just went on over 20 runs against the countess to try to get one (I repeat ONE) key of terror from her and guess what? I still didn't get one by the 20th run, but I did on run 22nd along with 1 hate key which I decide to look for because then I needed another key set to try to get a paladin torch. And remember, that's just 2 keys now. Yes, it doesn't take too long to get to the countess with a sorceress. I will submit that (probably no more than a minute), but then...well I guess now is as good a time to segue to the new discussion I think needs to be made and heard.

The point is item drops need to be increased for those items that should get new players by more quickly. Otherwise they'll have to depend on handouts from other older players which I'd say quite frankly seems to be the rule not the exception (that has been the case with me thus far).