Quote Originally Posted by vaudeville View Post
I agree only on the first part. It is a flat out fantasy to believe that things will be as they are now after 1 week of a reset with the drop rates as they are. Complete and utter nonsense unless

1) Everyone (and I mean everyone) is willing to participate after the reset (which is utterly optimistic if not flat out simply imagining things);

2) People play like mad within the first week (also unlikely for the vast majority);

3) People are willing to sacrifice/trade all items for particular characters/builds they don't want in favor of items they want for the characters/builds they prefer. I'm sure this will be the case for older players, but the newer ones may hesitate a bit on this;

4) I think you're also assuming everyone will do softcore or hardcore (either case doesn't really matter). I trust the majority will do the former after a reset, but some will do the latter thus slowing things potentially down in general;

5) Everyone gave one person everything thus at least making it such that one person will be at around the same level as those already geared to the max. Did I mention the word fantasy before?
I've been running servers a long time man. The server will 100% be more active after ladder resets. People will also play for longer timespans. This is proven.