Hey guys. Some of you may have been around our previous servers in the past, and know that I really enjoy the "Triple Triad" card game that is a mini game from Final Fantasy 8. A decent writeup of it and it's rules can be found here. It's easy to get started, but hard to master.

We've had this added in the past on previous websites such as D2PK, and while it was played a bit back then, it had some bugs and issues. I have been talking to Acyroma about it and we've been contemplating putting some work into it and bringing it back as a the main "mini game" here on Annihilus, just to have something more to do on the website and spend some extra Gold on. We are very curious how many would try it out and spend Gold on it though.

There would be a wide variety of packs you could buy for different cards, and we would add a lot of cards, especially Diablo based cards. There would be tournaments with Gold prizes, and also exclusive cards you could ONLY get from winning tournaments. There would also be card trading to other players, along with betting cards when challenging another player to a match, just like in the original game. All matches will have replays so you can go back and watch games of all players, and you can also view players collections to see how many total cards they have collected. We would back this pretty hard, it wouldn't be like your average game found in the Arcade.

So our question to you all, is would you play this? If so, would you spend Gold to buy card packs? Please vote on the poll so I can track it easier!