Quote Originally Posted by Fitsu View Post
I mean, every1 I've spoken to who has a semi-geared GA zon is raving about how broken it is... From what I can tell it's outperforming everything by a decent margin. And early in the ladder, before people start pumping to much currency into it seems like the ideal time to nerf things that are OP. Most people are already using if not beyond full sets so it's kinda odd to compare it to having nothing and it's not like it's getting nerfed into oblivion just reduced to a similar level as other builds.

/e @ Thor. Currently it seems to be outdpsing most builds by a fair margin, which would be a problem when people start to push the likes of crucible because groups will just be 1 tank and all the GA zons. He did say it'll just be a minor drop, it wont be taken out of use just made comparable to other DPS builds so that it isn't just the thing everyone plays.
When other classes get fully geared, THEN start making judgments about what's OP. Not a few guys with just-barely end-game gear. When it can be decided which classes are dominating WITH end-game gear, with tons of people "exploiting" a class, than start calling shit. Just my opinion.