Quote Originally Posted by Game View Post
I understand farming old content is not for everyone, but a lot of people like having the old nostalgic bosses being useful to kill again. I do have good news for you though, there is a new patch coming fairly soon with a LOT of new monsters that will definitely be worth farming. I am not blind to what the community thinks, I just cannot put out all of the content I want to at once a a one man team, but it is definitely coming. If we're lucky we should see another content patch possibly even before the end of March!
but what about all your cool inferno levels that are not even being used?? open them up, let people play them! have to do a weeks worth of work to play one level!!! crazy town. I really do appreciate all the work you have put into this game, enjoy and respect the time you put into it. I dont want it to sound like this game isnt fucking awesome. just suggestions. oh and for the nostalgic junkies they still get to farm frags!!