I'm in ^^
I'm in ^^
3 hours and 45 minutes to go guys! I'll start streaming in about 2 hours when I'm back from work. I'll be able to help do some last minute rushes then!
Tiger / Assassin / Hangook
tournament postponed until fromtherez returns. Sorry!
So basically this tourney sucks. people can use heal in a lld like wtf? so i wasted 8 hours trying to get my lld sin geared up, when i should have just made a a pally with maxed prayer and full sigons for meditation. (prayer heals and meditation heals by recieving bonus from prayer). so they end up getting double heal, and i cant use pots? no item restriction but they say no pots? no pots and wells is common sense, and so is prayer and meditation. then u say theyre allowed to use prayer and we cant use pots even though the rules states no item restriction. fking thanks, 8 hours fkign wasted.
Then rusty lets the pallys verse each other without prayer letting them respect?? wheres my non prayer fight
Last edited by Hangooksahram; 03-31-2015 at 09:19 PM.
this was the biggest waste of time I have ever came across