Animal is back once again, multi-acc:ing and spamming//flaming players
Can someone deal with this kid already? Its really getting old
Animal is back once again, multi-acc:ing and spamming//flaming players
Can someone deal with this kid already? Its really getting old
Lol wot
stop croppin the photos so much iso full conversations =/
Sorry I had to crop it because else it would display the insults that Snap (vejdi) did towards him - And I don't want Vejdi to get in trouble just because of my report @Jared
skull you are such a fucking troll ive been in games with you all you do is talk shit and egg people on till they snap on you and then crop the conversations so you can act like someone is snapping on you for no reason its getting old just go find a new game to troll people in already
And I know for a fact Ronii is not animal seeing as I play with this kid all the time. Nice try though
First of all, having more than one account isn't against the rules. Secondly, I concure with what icy said, I see you all the times in games bad mouthing people.
Skullcap is the animal again and vejdi is my account and i did not get any insults from roni if theres people who would actually believe animal,now that is the thing you should worry about.
That doesn't seem to be animal after some examination. What he said is really wrong but from what almost everyone here is saying (including a GM) you bring this out of people.
Alex wtf? SkullCap = animal, why he is still playing? You said he is banned