Quote Originally Posted by memories View Post
A price list? For a changing economy? This must've taken a LONG time and an unbelievable amount of dedication...but..:
The prices of items are about what people are willing to pay for them. The more items are found, if there is a surplus, the items decrease in price. When I first started, people were paying 15 hr for boots. Now they are 12. The stats of items also carry weight as to how much an item is worth. I think having a price list will hurt the economy.

I was asking for about 3 weeks for a splash enchant. No one had it/willing to trade. When someone told me they had it, I jumped at the chance and paid ALOT for it. Strictly because I wanted it. Knowing that you have something someone wants and bargaining is half the fun of this game...a price sheet will destroy that.

I'm sure many other people feel the same way and have overpayed or underpayed. Its part of the fun of Diablo for me. It's good for the buyer, not for the seller. "LOOK IT SAYS 2 hrs IN THE PRICE SHEET! NOT PAYING OVER THAT!"

WRONG,WRONG,WRONG. It's not a price sheet it's a PRICE GUIDE. So that new players won't get fucked when trading with an old player,something like asking 6 hrs for full M'avina....you have it...he needs it,he found the hrs and the item is more useful to him then the hrs so he pays 6 hrs for a full M'avina which is not a good thing,don't you agree?

P.S.: It was mearly a suggestion,if it sticks good,if not good. I see it as a good thing...