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Thread: Endgame difficulty curve.

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Annihilus Account: vaudeville

    Endgame difficulty curve.

    So let's get a few things out of the way.

    1) Please refer to my Item drops post as the following is somewhat related to that subject.

    2) I've probably been on here for a strong 2 weeks, and I have all but 1 torch for each character type and, through the graces of other players willing to accept not much (in my opinion) with special deals, have obtained a good number rare and necessary items (i.e. special charms, torches, etc.) all certain characters/builds should have.

    3) Excepting my new poison necro, none of my characters can break 20k damage which is barely tolerable to deal with inferno cows (and most of them have torches, annihilus charms, particular set piece items, maxed skill levels, and so forth).

    That said I pretty much still can't even touch the end game content material. Even inferno cows is too much or is a very slow grind with my best characters, and I blame part of this both on the overall endgame difficulty curve and item drops. Either way you look at it (item drops vs. overall endgame enemies) is absurd as it stands especially for newer players. The gulf between simply fighting baal or diablo one on one in the hardest difficult or doing cows in the same difficulty is a chasm when doing inferno cows and is even worse with the dreamland bosses, knarst, the lich king, the pits, and lvl 15 and up in the crucible for newer players (I want to emphasize the word NEWER players for you older players that will likely read this post).

    At the very least, I would recommend the following course of action that should help newer players pick up the pace.

    1) Make getting torches and annihilus (don't get me started with either topic please) charms easier to obtain in particular getting the keys to unlock such (upon consideration, perhaps you ought to consider making the item drops doing "uber runs" more worthwhile as well say for example you can more likely get the blue organ set there or runes such as mal, ist, and ohm).

    2) Increase the item drop rate for all runes in general but making ber and up the hardest to get at inferno cows and the "uber" places or even the pits (I leave it to the makers to do this in all places or with act bosses). I think this should be done for the added reason that I find too often that older players tend to pretty much only go and rush the cow queen only and take her treasures. Afterwards, they either leave immediately or go afk for all practical purposes. Very few stay behind and seriously play which almost always leaves less experienced and less well equipped players who happened to come by to lvl up a bit and get new equipment hung to dry which is absurd especially since there is a good chance to still get good items (even for older players such as a facet and enchantment scrolls).

    3) Increase the item drop rate for "lower run" enchantment scrolls like increasing one's health or reducing damage (essentially anything but increase elemental damage, add skill points, splash damage, etc.). This ought to help newer players a lot to get by inferno cows and up to the dreamlands and pits.

    4) Make one of the endgame content easier (not in terms of item drops but in enemy health, number, and damage).

    The point here is to provide an actual curve for new players and not force them to grind ad nauseum with little to look forward to which is thus far where I'm at still.

    PS: I'm willing to hear actual coaching on what I'm doing wrong with certain builds and characters (which I'm sure I'm doing in certain cases). If you want to do this, please do so while I'm playing and mention that you read this post.
    Last edited by vaudeville; 04-09-2016 at 02:07 PM.

  2. #2
    Wiki Moderator Lucid's Avatar
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    1) wont happen. It is meant to take a while and make annis worthy. We had bugs last season and tons of annis & torches. THAT was not fun.

    2) - nc from me so far. Dunno whats best there -

    3) deops for "low enchants" cannot be increased directly. You could let more enchants drop and give less chance to spawn a rare one. But that would mean for Game, that nobody would by his 300g enchantment book from hadriel anymore. So... That wont happen either.

    4) plaguelands is pretty easy infernolevel. You can control the mobs wizh freeze + stun and they are easier.

    After that - in terms of difficulty - comes the act 5 infernopoftals (except those new one)

    And then it further increases with the 3 new infernoareas.

    The bosses are hard. But absolute doable with a decent char.


  3. #3
    Moderator Mephisto's Avatar
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    RNG RNG... Haha, its all about building op slowely if ur starting new, for example:
    Get a tal sorc using nova, or mavina zon using exploding arrow + freezing arrow is great to start out with. Hell cows is a good place to find highrunes, dont forget u can downgrade runes for free! Start killing less difficult bosses to build up ur wealth, Act bosses + Chests from Fragment sets is a nice way to start farming/getting items. A smiter is awesome to do dreamlands ( Cheap+effective ). Charged Strike zon is awesome as well, but they are expensive compared to a smiter. Another great char to farm ur way up to is a Amazon using Frostfire ( found from Chuthulu ). But then again, drops can be so so so random, u gotta have some luck as well ! Also take a look in the wiki for some great builds!

  4. #4
    Regular Member tragos's Avatar
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    Have some patience imo I had a hard time to farm end game content as well for the first whole month back then, believe me end game content is not that hard as it seems all you need for the start is a mavina set bowzon and farm hellcows for ryleh event organs and act bosses for fragments,if you learn the right way to play you won't have any problem to survive / kill even my summon necro can farm some of the end game content with the new items from 3.2, but that doesn't mean that everyone can do it, it needs some strategy and time to learn how to use each build, give some time to yourself you LL see is not that hard! Wish you much luck!
    Last edited by tragos; 04-01-2016 at 02:16 AM.

  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    I don't have much of a problem with inferno cows with either of my necromancers thanks to confuse, but it doesn't do me much good either since being a necromancer I am

    1) Distant from my enemies typically and thus if they drop something good I'll be too far away to get them making farming via necromancers almost pointless.

    2) I'll need to count on someone to even tank or kill the inferno cows which I don't always have the fortune to pair up with.

  6. #6
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    You missed the point with regards to Frostfire. I can't farm well to begin with if I can't even get that weapon because the initial dreamland bosses kick my butt. Again, the difficulty curve is backward. You only get rewarded afterwards. When you do you're golden. It would be like winning the lottery only after climbing mount Everest versus climbing the Appalachian Mountains and getting half a million each time. Which do you think people will go for?
    Last edited by vaudeville; 04-09-2016 at 02:09 PM.

  7. #7
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    1) Then what's the point? The torch and annihilus charm is meant to help newer players is it not? What makes you think they (newer players) will stick around if they have to do over 20 runs just to get 1 key only to get all 9 and not get the torch they need. Please explain that to newer players and then wonder why you see less and less of them coming to this server or sticking around.

    3) Who would buy the 300 gold enchantment book and risk trying to get a good one when you're likely in the future to need gold to buy one of those orbs to get back your socketed high runes and facets? Because that's what I figure I'll end up doing because I have so few high runes.

    4) Yes, that's true. I do that. I may try farming there a bit more, but I haven't seen or heard of anything dropping there that I needed that I couldn't get anywhere else.

  8. #8
    Wiki Moderator Lampogriz's Avatar
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    try harder, game is easy for pvm already
    i'd suggest to make regular hell mobs even stronger

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by vaudeville View Post
    You missed the point with regards to Frostfire. I can't farm well to begin with if I can't even get that weapon because the initial dreamland bosses kick my butt. Again, the difficulty curve is backward. You only get rewarded afterwards. When you do you're golden. It would be like wining the lottery only after climbing mount Everest versus climbing the Appalachian Mountains and getting half a million each time. Which do you think people will go for?
    Mavina set is not that hard to get, infact I have seen it given away because it isn't that uncommon and the strength it gives you is not that far away from Frostfire!

  10. #10
    Senior Member LordManhammer's Avatar
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    To be completely honest, I think farming keys for anni charms and torches is one of the most time consuming and unnecessary aspects of the game. I usually wait until I've satisfactorily geared all of my toons for the purpose that I use them and then go back for anni charms and torches if I get bored. When I say "for the purpose that I use them for" I mean that I have a toon that I use for different farming scenarios sometimes multiples of the same class. I gave up trying to take on all of the content with just one character. If you have all of the strongest gear and enchants available you might be able to do it all with one toon but I don't. I use a shield throw barb with an IK set for act 5 infernos and plague lands(although now that the drop rates have been nerfed, I don't bother with PL anymore). I use a standard smiter/poison smiter for dream lands and boss farming the three new inferno portals. Finally I use a frost fire zon for hell and inferno cows(mavinas will work just fine, FF is just faster.

    I play solo. Always have. Always will. The times that I am able to play are different than when most other people are online. I also don't like competing for the same loot table. I'd rather just find gear and strategy solutions for tackling new endgame content than wait for help from other people. Maybe that is a bit anti social but it's how I roll. I guess I should get to my point. If you are having trouble with particular area of the game, try to evaluate what weaknesses of the class you are playing that are preventing you from progressing and perhaps think about rolling a new toon that would be better suited for that content. I know that smiters may not be hipster enough for some people. Just remember that there was a reason that everyone played smiters back in the day. They worked and could kill any boss. They still can. Shield throw barbs can face tank the act 5 inferno portals and with the recent buff to damage reduction they are even stronger. Remember to have fun and teleport is your friend

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