3.2 items
- corrupted lightsabre
- trag'oul's true guise helm
- corrupted shako
Crucible items:
- Khalim's hope x3
- druid nephalem 11 aura
- zon nephalem 15 aura
- emblem of edryem x5 (one amongst them is eth)
- horadric jewel 5% magic dmg x2
- horadric jewel -10% cold res
- horadric jewel -10% fire res x2
- Devil's bargain
- Elder of tristram x3
- twin's anger
- hysteria
- Wanderer ring
Cowset items
- Cow boots
- Cow armor
- Constricting rings (multiple)
- Necro Stone Of Jordan (SOJ)
- Amazon SOJ
- Pally SOJ
- Sorc mara
- Zon mara
- multiple Wisp projectors
Dreamland items
- full moon
- gae blog barb spear
- short circuit
- physical madness ring
- variety of eyeball charms with different stats
- variety of tricksters
- amazon torch
- Pally prime
- Assassin prime
- barb combat, 12fhr skiller
- Sorc cold skiller
- asassin shadow skiller
- sorc fire skiller
- pally combat skiller
- bowazon skiller
Divine Gems
- 6 diamonds
- 5 emeralds
- 4 saphires
- 3 amethysts
- 2 topazes
- 3 rubies
- 2%max life
- 10% open wounds
- 5%frw
- cannot be frozen
- 10% deadly strike x2
- 10% cold skill dmg
- 10% magic skill dmg x3
- 5% increased attributes x3
- +1 to amazon skills
Infernal chest x4
That being said, I am looking for psn scrolls, necro prime, corrupted ss, splash enchant, 5/5 psn facets.