1/2) This will happen. We're looking to expand the events team to have more members so that we can create a schedule, rather than just when Lockzilla is able to volunteer his time. It's hard to find people who actually want to help, so this is taking time. We've been looking for a while.

3) Good idea, will look into this.

4) Also good idea, working on making something like this shortly.

5) First off i'd like to say that this might be a good way to go, but there's some points in this idea where you're just flat out wrong.

The same person winning an event over and over would probably be impossible to stop. For example, even if I completely removed lockzilla from staff he'd still win 95% of the events he participated in. We can't punish people for being good at the game. That is not happening.

Also, events are not planned in the favor of the person hosting it. They are planned to be fair for every participant. The rules are setup the way I want them to be. If the person hosting it isnt participating, the rules arent going to change at all. I don't know where you got the idea that the host decides the rules but that's just not the case.

Nobody benefits from less people participating. The more people participate the higher the gold prizes are, and the more of them there are. Therefore, if there's more people participating it's more likely the host would place high enough to win gold, and if they got first they'd win more gold than if there was less.

I do agree there's a potential for a conflict of interest and we're working on removing that potential by adding more staff to the team who will run the actual events, and Lockzilla will be working on the schedule and not running the events himself. This has been the plan for more than a month, but it takes time to implement these things. I have always handled the amount of the prizes as well, just so you know.

Thanks for the suggestion, there's lots of great ideas here.