I think we have enough legendery swords atm. And a stave could be interesting , again this is not serious , i'm just sharing my fun taughs into this suggestion :P
For those who played WoW in cataclysm expension , there was a legendery stave for caster , so since there's some WoW legendery sword in this server why not a stave )) , anyways heres my fun draft haha
Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa's Rest
(Sorcesress only)
•13 to fire skills
•Spells have 50% chance to be casted twice
•-60,80fire res
•+60,80% fire damage
•40-60 all res
•100 faster cast rate
• 1 to combustion *
•25% chance attack will miss you
* 1 to summun Tarecgosa
4 sockets
* Combustion is a buff that makes Pyroblast and fireball to leAve a Fire DoT on the target over 13 seconds