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Thread: Melee Druid Guide

  1. #1
    Regular Member
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    Annihilus Account: Pulse37

    Melee Druid Guide


    - Can solo any boss
    - Fast killing/farming speed
    - Shapeshifting is fun


    - requires very expensive gear
    - hard to reach -150 fire and -150+ enemy phys resist
    - can only solo to lvl 15 cruci, good at tanking it though
    - sometimes mana problems but not a big issue


    Helm - Full moon, get one with -20 enemy physical resistance, socket with x2 Phys Horads, Enchant: 10%dr
    Armor - Sanc Balance good stats - 5x Phys horad 1x Fire Horad Enchant: Teleport
    Weapon - Flame horizon - socket with sur and 2 ber Enchant: 35lph and -5 enemy fire
    Shield - Corrupted Stormshield - 3x Fire horads Enchant: 2x -enemy fire res
    Boots - Perf death advance - enchant: -5 phys, cannot be frozen
    Belt - Nosferatu, Enchant : -5 phys
    Rings - 2x Con rings
    Amu - Diablos rebith (to max out res)
    Gloves - Hysteria - Enchant - fire

    with all charms and perf eye ball charm this gives :

    95 max res, 178 stacked res
    30k attack rating
    6k life
    75% damage reduction
    135% ias
    -150+ enemy physical resistance
    -150+ enemy fire resistance

    55 life per hit
    42% life leech
    16% mana leech
    40% crushing blow ( ravens and bear summon deal enough to cover the rest)
    36% open wounds (26 from pounce)
    20% deadly strike
    13 unholy might aura
    6k defense
    slow on bosses - with rabies wep and belt

    Kills everything

    Have tfury on switch for mappo and trag boss


    act 3 merc

    helm - pumpkin
    arm - shadow plate 10 defiance aura
    wep - shha fang perf aura
    shield - malevolent perf aura


    Str - enough for gear
    Dex - enough for max block (or more if you want more AR)
    rest in Vita


    Shapeshifting - Max werewolf, Lycan, rest one point
    Summoning - Max dire wolf , grizzly (they do some decent damage and make good shields), one point in everything else, rest in oak sage.

    left click rabies (for insane slow on bosses) right click pounce / fury whatever you want to use.

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Annihilus Account: diablor

    This is really interesting. Upload a video for us

  3. #3
    Regular Member
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    Annihilus Account: Pulse37

    will do!

  4. #4
    Junior Member
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    Is pounce the main skill and do you max it?

  5. #5
    Regular Member
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    yes it is, fury is good aswell, less mana problems and gives more attack rating, seems like pounce seems to be faster though, not sure need to test it properly.

    i havnt maxed them, they give very little in damage per lvl, but they do give lots of AR so it optional i guess. Most of the damage comes from flame horizon proc.

  6. #6
    Wiki Moderator Lucid's Avatar
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    Thanks for this guide pulse37!

    Ive followed it mostly and it really plays well. Ive changed that armor into azmodans (curse immune, alot -% fire, 990 baselife bonus etc) and the belt into the new relic of the ancients. I may also try to get my claws on some titans grip

    i guess you can also equip your merc with this shaa sword + new arkaines wrath chest, adding up the physical pierce aura to like 40+? But i havent tryed to play with a merc yet. The druid is good enough on his own.

    as there were videos requested and i want to help some new fire druid @About20Pandas :

    oh and i mostly use pounce on bosses / large monster groups and fury for single monsters or some bosses like othuyeg who seem to not dodge as much as other bosses...

    The first one is how to get to santa without getting hit from his snowballs. You need to run as fast as possible on the northern side of the way until you see him casting something (you can see it pretty clear where i decide to go southwards of the way and dodge those orbs almost completely).
    Make sure to attack him first with rabies (-40% slow from rabies, plus those 2x sur runes i have in my FH = ultra slow boss, that cannot really attack you anymore).
    Still he gets a second snowball attack on me and i barely survive it with (5500 life while shapeshifted, 8300 life while ss+oak) 95 coldress, 260 stacked resist, no absorb.

    This is the first way to kill knarst: Try to kill stuffs close and in line of sight to him with fury. If flame horizon proccs, it gonna attack knarst too and kill him. Since fh proccs are no melee hits, he wont teleport away.

    This is the second way to kill knarst: Klick with pounce on him and then hold pounce while centering your mouse cursor fast! This way you gonna teleport with him, hitting him again and teleport again with him. That looks somewhat strange but killst him too over time.
    A combination of teleporting around with him and the first way (killing monsters nearby) is probably the best way to get fast to dreamlands. I dont even slow this monster since it cant hurt me much.
    OH and dont summon any bears/wolves/ravens. They melee hit him and he will teleport away. Its just you and the oaks :P

    and something funny at least. Probably one of the fastest ways to kill timerift diablo. I was pretty procclucky there and the more of this minions that are there, the more proccs my quillstorm and the more quillstormproccs there are, the more flame horizon proccs following

    now the more boring part: My gear

    Helm: Full moon - 2x fire facets
    Weapon: Flame horizon - SurBerSur
    Shield: Corrupted Stormshield - 3x fire facets
    Armor: Azmodans shell - 2x phys horads, 2x fire horads
    Belt: Relic of the ancients, 7 might, -20% physical pierce, 117dmg, 147 ed% :P
    Gloves: rnd Hysteria (still want to test some titans grip there)
    Boots: Deaths advance - enchated with -5% fire pierce
    Rings: 2x cons
    Amulet: 1x Diablos rebirth

    Inventory with anni, neo anni, torch, druid prime with -10% phys res and alkors (you wont get hit into delirium, you just sometimes end up in cancelled wolf form. Just recast it then)
    Rest of the inventory is filled with life/ar charms.
    Most of the inventory is just random stats, except for the eyeballs. Ive chosen one with highest max resists since you will need them to get to 95% res.

    in my case i end up having:
    8328 Life while shapeshifted and oak alive, no bo
    151 frw
    65 fcr
    40 fhr
    110 ias
    20-23k pounce damage (self-enchanted)
    20-25k feral damage (self-enchanted)
    33811 rabies + fury attack rating
    31999 pounce attack rating
    332 mana (like pulse said, there are some manaproblems :P)
    92 max fireresist
    95 max rest resists
    252 stacked resists (cold 260, light 272)
    -185% fire pierce
    -60% physical pierce
    44% slow from rabies, plus 40% from weapon (you can see the boss' attack speed in the first vid - Santa is ultra slow)

    i still want some more fire pierce (for mappo, mostly) and probably some more physical resist, to get leech active/better on some bosses.
    My gear isnt enchanted yet. Only the boots are. Also i can replace some of those fire facet jewels with fire/phys horads and get even better fire pierce.
    Also i havent tested any merc yet. This act 3 lightning with arkaines wrath, shaa sword and malevolent seems to provide some nice stats. But mercs die way to often/fast and i just dont like looking for those guys...

    gl and feel free to pm me if you have problems or need advice

    Last edited by Lucid; 01-01-2017 at 04:14 PM.

  7. #7
    New Member
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    Annihilus Account: About20Pandas

    Holy shit @Lucid.

    Thank you so much for that explanation - that was way more than i expected!
    I really, really appreciate what you've done. Thanks!

  8. #8
    Regular Member
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    nice, i changed mine a lil bit. I started using bane of under world shield with a BER and 3x -PHYS horads. Swapped belt for scourgelords, and and wearing new ogre gauntlets also azmo armor. overall this gives:

    12.5k health with oak (no BO)
    40k attack rating 37k pounce
    -165% enemy fire resist
    -155% enemy phys resist (with the right enchantments)
    and no mana problems becuase of meditation aura from shield

  9. #9
    Junior Member
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    Annihilus Account: WDZepplin2

    Wait I thought that if you used belial tome you wouldn't encounter mana problems or am I wrong?

  10. #10
    Senior Member Eric's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wdzepplin View Post
    Wait I thought that if you used belial tome you wouldn't encounter mana problems or am I wrong?
    You are correct!

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