Quote Originally Posted by Addah View Post
First of all I am happy that Necromancer is still getting attention, and I plan to make it my first character when the ladder resets.

Before I make any kind of suggestion for Summoners I need to know the mechanics of it currently and what you have been considering changing for the future

I will comment with follow-up questions once I know more

My questions:

- Does Crushing Blow for Summons work the same way as indicated in this thread? http://diablo2.diablowiki.net/Crushing_blow

- Could Deadly Strike be more effective for either Warriors or Archers?

- Does Fire Golem aura stack if you use multiple?

- Does Iron Golem use Thorn aura?

- Does Clay Golem aura help physical damage of Skeletons or Fire Golem?

- Does Might/Fantacism, etc, damage bonus display correctly on your summons tooltip?

- What other enhancements might be possible on Golems and their Auras?

My concerns:

- For a Summoner, Hell Cows takes a lot longer than any other class/spec, this is because of a slow hit-rate from your minions and they all attack single targets, with the exception of Pierce chance on Archers.

- Summoner is great if your minions all hit the same target, is there a way to help with killing packs of enemies without making Boss fights too easy?

- Is there a way Fire Golem can be specialized to kill packs of enemies quicker?

- Clay Golem might have more DPS than Fire Golem against Bosses because of high Crushing Blow, can you enlighten me on this?

- Summons likely have the same Crushing Blow numbers as monsters, not player / hirelings, but I cannot say for sure.

- I don't understand the question?

- No, just like players with the same auras, the highest level aura will apply. If they are the same level it will only be affected by 1.

- No, it has the state of thorns aura, but it isn't actually an aura.

- Clay Golem aura with Goka Uln? It lowers magic resist. Neither monster you named uses magic damage, so no it does not help them.

- No, I do not think auras will update summon's tooltips.

- Not sure what you're asking again, I think Golems are fine right now. Their goal is to be pretty tanky and offer a secondary bonus, each Golem does its own thing. I have no real plans to modify Necromancers much in the future as they are in a pretty great spot right now.


- As Acyroma mentioned, summons clear just fine with corpse explosions.

- Summoner is pretty strong already, I have no plans of buffing them. Use Skeletal Burst to help kill large packs of enemies!

- As mentioned earlier, Golem does "okay" damage to weaker enemies with his aura, but there is no plan to make Golems high damage, that is not their role.

- Uhhh... hmm. Clay Golem is probably a little bit stronger against monsters that are not physical immune or have high physical resists, however a lot of bosses are physical immune and Clay Golem does not benefit from -physical pierce while Fire Golem does indeed receive it's summoners piercing. I think Fire Golem will outdamage Clay Golem in the long run.