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Thread: Need help to choice a viable boss killing class

  1. #1
    New Member
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    Annihilus Account: galkon

    Cool Need help to choice a viable boss killing class

    yo i want to make an new class for killing bosses

    i was thing about either wwsin, any sorc? or ama or maybe necro? or paladin? or something i havent thinked of

    so please tell me little of your experince of the class u can tell me about
    And what kind of gear do i need for each and what bosses is farmable by the class

    Yours Galkon

  2. #2
    Senior Member Eric's Avatar
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    You can kill almost any boss with a decently geared guided arrow zon, I have one built with end game items and it takes down everyone single one (besides uldyssian)

  3. #3
    Regular Member
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    Annihilus Account: Fitsu

    This highly deepends on ure available funds. Some of the top/most common builds are:

    Fire Sorc (Expensive, heart of hell, azmo armor, golem chants, no real other fire builds so can't make multiple characters with same gear)
    WW Barb/Phys Bowazon/Phys Summoner Necro (Both semi-expensive.. The usual phys stuff: titans, arkains, relic.. Nice thing about this route is apart from weapon they both wear effectively the same gear and I'm sure there's other viable phys builds out there)
    WC Barb/Spear Necro (Nice thing about magic is u can get it going on a fairly cheap setup... Vastly cheaper than any other build and then move towards the more expensive items such as reapers.)
    Vengence/Lite Zeal pala (Vengence just needs TF to get going which is actually pretty cheap atm as the lightning aura isn't so important but Lite Zeal needs Corr SS/Lite Neph so is very expensive)
    Fire Druid (Hella tanky but overall pretty weak imo)

    I have no idea how to build a WW Sin so can't comment on that... I actually don't think I've seen one this ladder. Barb seems to be stronger with WW now.

    Those are the most common builds. Unfortuently any build requires you to stack -element to a point where you can actually deal damage and the content is fairly hard to begin with especially with the new-style DPS checks so the amount of viable builds is imo quite limited... But this tends to be the trade-off, the more difficult the content is the less viable builds there are. It's just the way of things.
    Last edited by Fitsu; 04-08-2017 at 01:27 PM.

  4. #4
    Wiki Moderator Lampogriz's Avatar
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    List of viable(or not) builds patch 5.0:

    -Fire sorc (flamestrike/pyroblast). Requires alot of high end items for being effective, can solo everything incl cucible
    -Cold sorc sucks
    -ligh sorc sucks in general, but zeal build with short cricuit is probably viable.

    -Bowzon physical. One of the best single target DPS, can farm dreamlands and pits with just mav set, recommend to use as first char. Probably can solo everything incl crucible.
    -Jab ? (not sure)
    -javazon sucks with lategame, but not bad choice as start build

    -Shapeshifter physical - good choice for first char, can farm pits low geared, pretty balansed char i'd say.
    -Shapshifter poison - not sure, didn't even seen one.
    -Wind druid, requires high end gear for being effective, i believe can solo everything
    -Fire druid sucks very hard, only good as start build and farm cows (ONLY)

    -Ww barb - with high end gear can solo everything probably
    -Warcry barb - pretty balanced, easy to play , good choice for start char
    -SHield throw is good for start, but it sucks later
    -Berserk barb - hits dmg cap, not viable yet
    -Gae bolg sucks

    -Bone nec - One of the best single target DPS, can solo everything with high end gear
    -Summon nec - good choice for start, can be pretty strong with gg gear
    -psn nec sucks

    -Wwsin psn - pretty balansed, not bad choice for start, can solo everything (maybe cruci too)
    -Light trap? (not sure)
    -kicksin? (not sure)

    -Smiter physical - requires gg gear for being real, not recomend as start char
    -Light zealot? (not sure)
    -phys zeal sucks in general, maybe can do some bosses solo with GG gear
    -Hdin? (not sure)
    -Vengenace? (not sure)

    Correct me if i wrong guys
    Last edited by Lampogriz; 04-08-2017 at 02:29 PM.

  5. #5
    Regular Member
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    Bone nec and fire sorc are probably best builds at the moment, require high end gear though. Phys druids with full cuthulu set can solo most bosses and is a little cheaper. Bowzons also a very good choice.

  6. #6
    New Member
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    Pulse can u pls detail phys druid build?im interested in skills mostly.ty

  7. #7
    Senior Member
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    Annihilus Account: diablor

    phys druid (pounce especially is REALLY strong although it is likely to be nerfed in tonights patch) usually uses full phys cthulu set or deadly sin + bane of the underworld. Full moon is ideal for the helm. Rest of the gear is pretty much the same as any other melee spec. Mix and match as needed depending on what you have.

    As for skills for pounce - do pounce, bear, and lycanthropy - rest depends on what you prefer. Oak is good but annoying because pouncing gets it killed alot. Same with the other oak spells. Mauls damage buff effects pounce, so you should use it. You can max murder of crows to buff up your ravens if you use them. You can also max rabies as it shares a synergy with pounce. Mix and match according to preference.
    Last edited by rrra; 04-21-2017 at 02:25 PM.

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