Quote Originally Posted by tby View Post
While many characters can indeed breeze through the first 10, even 12 floors, there is still a sense of danger. you can definitely still die, especially at floor 9 which is a jump up in terms of difficulty. Even the bosses of 8 have a chance to kill any character that runs through really. I don't really think this is a good idea because of that.

If your frustration is from disconnects, then that is something else entirely, but looking for an ez pass probably isn't the best overall solution.
I guess nilithanks can kill you on floor 9 if you play sloppy and the charge from centaurs is annoying af.

In regards to floor 8, I'm pretty sure if I afked to go make a cupa tea and came back 5min later I'd still be alive. xD. There's no sense of danger in the first 8 for many but yeah 9 can be tricky so it could start from there? And perhaps to ensure only esp well geared players get it maybe have it drop for people that clear floor 17? It's not about an "ez pass" it's simply about skipping content that your beyond. A good example would be imagine doing andy runs without WPs being a thing so you had to run through the entire act to get there. Past enemies that caused no threat to you and gave no reward, a pointless exercise easily solved for the betterment of the game via WPs. What I suggest is a similar nothing.