I'm new player and I hope this happens soon too. I never play vanilla d2 so the learning curve is steep. I'm sure ppl randomly suggest things that are impossible or not worth it but from a new player's pov I will mention some stuff I think would be good improvement.

- Like OP mentioned before, a list of runewords. But not like on the wiki where each runeword has a link you have to click just to see it. That requires loading a new page and is a waste of time. I've also had people tell me to go to other d2 websites for the info, thats sad. A regular list in a sortable table is easy to make and very readable.

- Guide Section: There is one on the forum and one on the wiki. The one on the forum seems like mostly requests for guides and a few actual guides that are sprinkled in-between. They aren't very enjoyable to find. If guide requests are really necessary, they should be separate from the list of guides so they are easy to search. The guide section on the wiki seems much better. The guides themselves in the list could use fewer icon types though. There is literally a different icon for every thread. Having 1 typer per class would look much better imo.

Guides themselves kinda feel lacking as far as leveling. As someone that only plays for a few days, the guides don't have much for leveling section and gear recommendation. It seems like the general consensus is to get rushed by someone else first and skip the early levels entirely. For me thats really lame. How does anyone actually learn anything about the game when they get skipped to hell difficulty. I really don't like the beginner guide for this reason. Its called 'beginner' but it says to ask someone to rush first, whatever.

Lastly (for now) the voting system is gross. Again for a new player who doesn't get rushed, knowing nothing about the game will likely lead to needing more than the first free akara reskill reward before getting to nightmare. This happen to me on 2 character now. First time I use druid fire skills with summons and didn't put points into right ones. I kind of went half/half for summon/fire trees. Council members are either either fire immune or just have extremely high life in general in a3. I didn't figure any of this out initially and made a fire trap sin and ran into the exact same problem. Someone eventually mentioned that the council is immune to fire. Since this is the case, it should mention that in the stats above their name. Only the unique mobs show they have high fire resist when in fact they all do. Back to why the voting system sucks. Having to deal with everything above, you (mods or whoever) want new players to vote for your game on four different website to get gold in game to purchase reskill consumable when we haven't even had a chance to decide if we like the game. Whats worse is that it takes 2 days of voting just to get a consumable. Now from what I understand, there is the choice of trading but what exactly does one farm when they decide to play legit (no rushing)? The consumable could at least cost considerably less if you're going to jew ppl to vote for your game.

With the current state of the forum, wiki and available info in general, this mod is as far from being noob friendly. Especially for those who prefer doing a full play-through.

Edit: On a non-wiki related note, why so much fire immune mobs in the game? It really feels like mobs are more likely to be fire immune than any other elemental type.