View Poll Results: Would you like to get a 7.0 patch for Annihilus Legacy ?

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  • Yes, i love the SoR concept but i still want to play bubble annihilus

    6 66.67%
  • No, i want to play SoR and those who prefer bubble ass to cry

    3 33.33%
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Thread: Annihilus Legacy 7.0

  1. #1
    Junior Member player's Avatar
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    Annihilus Account: Player

    Annihilus Legacy 7.0

    Before anything; what i'm going to argue in this thread has already
    been discussed in private with Alex (aka Game, Vav, Master Annihilus)
    on discord and even in some other circumstances with beta testers and
    other staff members. They made me understand that what i'm gonna
    questioning is most certainly permanently gone in Soul of the Rift. I'm
    not opening this thread to complain. I'm glad this new mod is getting
    appreciated. After all i participated a little bit to his achievement.

    Until now, each Annihilus patch was capitalizing on the previous one,
    keeping what was working and improving the rest. It was a really slow
    and careful process. For that new patch, they made things different.
    Most of old annihilus and some of the original gameplay is gone.
    That's probably why they wisely made Legacy and i'm really thankful
    for that. I hope some of the work that have been made on SoR could
    be used in a 7.0 patch for Annihilus Legacy.

    Therefore, i'm checking here if some people may share my feelings and
    would also want to participate to this discussion about a 7.0 Legacy.
    I know a lot of players are heading to SoR and doesn't see things how
    i do. I'm not claiming here that my way of experiencing Annihilus is
    better than theirs. Far from it. I actually assume to be a moonwalking
    noob who love ass, books and getting rekt by catapult.

    That being said, let's be critical and see if we can find something
    good out of it. Annihilus end content. Maps, dreamland, cruci, etc...
    I just can't imagine play the game without them any more. It's like
    you get a girl with flat ass (D2). She's nice so you get in love with her.
    She grows a nice booty eating and working out with you (Annihilus).
    Why would you like her to make a diet and get skinny again (SoR)?
    That's matter of taste i guess. I'm not against flat ass. I just prefer
    bubble ones. Any way, let's check on gameplay now.


    1. Use of inventory, cube and charms.

    All this years of Annihilus brought me to LOVE organizing my inventory
    and cube. Using my cube both for storage and crafting purpose was a
    pleasure. The cube is a masterpiece of diablo2 in my opinion. The more
    i use it, the more i'm feeling good and happy. Have you seen that
    bright light when you finally click on that transmute button? Have you
    heard that lovely sound when you store your mess in it? I know you
    love it too. Was it also necessary to delete all those sexy and useful
    charms in order to transform your inventory into a shopping trolley?
    That's the perfect job for the cube! Inventory customization with all
    those charms was part of extending the fun while preparing your
    character imo.

    > I was talking with beta testers while watching RandomOnions twitch 2 days ago. Someone (sorry forgot his name) gave the idea to automatically unpack the cube in stash when dragging it there. Maybe picking up items while having full inventory could also be automaticity stored in cube. Those two tricks would transform our dear cube into the perfect storage utility. About charms well, i think they are great. With the new ones it's getting even more interesting. I'll make a suggestion about them at the end.

    2. Walking and books.

    I have been called obsessional and nostalgic for questioning that. But
    aren't we all, playing and modding that game 20 years latter? I got so
    sad when i discovered books disappeared that i thrown up on the new
    auto-id system. Sorry for that. I just despite identification and
    books have been lost in the process. About walking, just go back in
    time and remember walking in Diablo1 Tristram. I think it does make
    sense that you should get tired at some point after running all around
    and also that you get more tanky standing still and walking than running.

    > Since i worked on the new ui, i would of course like to play with it on Legacy. Not sure everybody liked it and it will be a cap at 1024 for resolution so this is for sure something to discuss. But technically i don't see any problem of not seeing my stamina bar and if new pots are not implanted on Legacy, maybe we can get the pot's panel to get its extension back.

    3. Potions and Repairing

    I kind of liked those new magical pots. Can't we find a solution to use
    them with old patch? Its probably complicated since all effects doesn't
    match with Legacy but who knows, one day maybe? About repairing, i
    try hard to understand how the decision has been made to simply delete
    it. I guess someone said one day: "Hey, this shit is annoying and pointless."
    And at this moment no one responded: "Wait a second, this is roleplay. It's
    making sense that you can break your gear in the middle of the battle.
    Maybe we can improve it in case we make some end content where we'll
    need to spend hours without going back intown."

    > For those new potions, the only thing i would personally change would be that the pots would get empty after the cooldown effect (they will work along with old pots that way). You would need to ask akara for a refill or you could also use some Alchemy skill that would refill all your empty magical pots. Same thing for repairing: a Blacksmith skill would help you to get your gear repaired in a middle of a cruci.

    4. More players affect droprate.

    I heard alex saying that this may come back at some point so i won't
    insist to explain why this is a good thing. Obviously it does need
    improvement to prevent the loading toons trick and to actually make
    things better for those who love to play together.

    > I already made a thread about this one year ago. ( Forest responded with the perfect solution: "imo drop chance should increase still if you're within xp range of your party members.". This would be such a huge improvement! I'm sure this will also make Guilds much stronger. It's a must needed improvement.


    Legacy end content is perfect. Few improvements would make him
    godlike. I do think marks should come back. They could work along
    with trial. I'm not seeing any issue about getting those two working
    together. They were 100% Annihilus. Beautiful stones and fanzy
    gameplay to open them. I would jerk off just to pick up one again.
    Chtulhu altar should go back on tracks. I loved to get extra goodies
    from boxes there and it actually gave another good reason to collect
    blue organs. Some project was to make maps corruptable in order
    to get some extra boss in it that would give some more drop. That
    idea was genius. Who should we masturbate to get it up again?
    The haunted forest area is awesome and gives a legit way to get
    those new charms without Halloween event. It would be so sexy to
    use it (a little bit smaller) as an extra crucible level.

    We still can play plenty builds on Legacy but with some little buffs we could play plenty more. I'm really not a balance expert so i wait some smartass players who are interested to give their hints down there. A little brainstorming of the community could save some precious time for our dear devs right?

    I really hope Annihilus Legacy (such a badass name by the way)
    will stand still and will workout to get a perfect 7.0 bubble butt.
    I gave lot of dumb ideas. I'm sure you guys got plenty more.
    Let's go easy with Alex and choose the right ones (I would
    suggest to classify ideas by relevance). Abraços. Paz. <3
    Last edited by player; 05-23-2019 at 05:56 AM.

  2. #2
    Event Manager saesa's Avatar
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    Ye, definitely never give up on Legacy. Some guys obviously wanna play bubble ass and not flat!

    Quote Originally Posted by imbanieuser View Post
    asasin has no damage at all. thats it. need remake new powerfull skill.

  3. #3
    New Member
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    Annihilus Account: flapass

    i agree

    Quote Originally Posted by player View Post
    Before anything; what i'm going to argue in this thread has already
    been discussed in private with Alex (aka Game, Vav, Master Annihilus)
    on discord and even in some other circumstances with beta testers and
    other staff members. They made me understand that what i'm gonna
    questioning is most certainly permanently gone in Soul of the Rift. I'm
    not opening this thread to complain. I'm glad this new mod is getting
    appreciated. After all i participated a little bit to his achievement.

    Until now, each Annihilus patch was capitalizing on the previous one,
    keeping what was working and improving the rest. It was a really slow
    and careful process. For that new patch, they made things different.
    Most of old annihilus and some of the original gameplay is gone.
    That's probably why they wisely made Legacy and i'm really thankful
    for that. I hope some of the work that have been made on SoR could
    be used in a 7.0 patch for Annihilus Legacy.

    Therefore, i'm checking here if some people may share my feelings and
    would also want to participate to this discussion about a 7.0 Legacy.
    I know a lot of players are heading to SoR and doesn't see things how
    i do. I'm not claiming here that my way of experiencing Annihilus is
    better than theirs. Far from it. I actually assume to be a moonwalking
    noob who love ass, books and getting rekt by catapult.

    That being said, let's be critical and see if we can find something
    good out of it. Annihilus end content. Maps, dreamland, cruci, etc...
    I just can't imagine play the game without them any more. It's like
    you get a girl with flat ass (D2). She's nice so you get in love with her.
    She grows a nice booty eating and working out with you (Annihilus).
    Why would you like her to make a diet and get skinny again (SoR)?
    That's matter of taste i guess. I'm not against flat ass. I just prefer
    bubble ones. Any way, let's check on gameplay now.


    1. Use of inventory, cube and charms.

    All this years of Annihilus brought me to LOVE organizing my inventory
    and cube. Using my cube both for storage and crafting purpose was a
    pleasure. The cube is a masterpiece of diablo2 in my opinion. The more
    i use it, the more i'm feeling good and happy. Have you seen that
    bright light when you finally click on that transmute button? Have you
    heard that lovely sound when you store your mess in it? I know you
    love it too. Was it also necessary to delete all those sexy and useful
    charms in order to transform your inventory into a shopping trolley?
    That's the perfect job for the cube! Inventory customization with all
    those charms was part of extending the fun while preparing your
    character imo.

    > I was talking with beta testers while watching RandomOnions twitch 2 days ago. Someone (sorry forgot his name) gave the idea to automatically unpack the cube in stash when dragging it there. Maybe picking up items while having full inventory could also be automaticity stored in cube. Those two tricks would transform our dear cube into the perfect storage utility. About charms well, i think they are great. With the new ones it's getting even more interesting. I'll make a suggestion about them at the end.

    2. Walking and books.

    I have been called obsessional and nostalgic for questioning that. But
    aren't we all, playing and modding that game 20 years latter? I got so
    sad when i discovered books disappeared that i thrown up on the new
    auto-id system. Sorry for that. I just despite identification and
    books have been lost in the process. About walking, just go back in
    time and remember walking in Diablo1 Tristram. I think it does make
    sense that you should get tired at some point after running all around
    and also that you get more tanky standing still and walking than running.

    > Since i worked on the new ui, i would of course like to play with it on Legacy. Not sure everybody liked it and it will be a cap at 1024 for resolution so this is for sure something to discuss. But technically i don't see any problem of not seeing my stamina bar and if new pots are not implanted on Legacy, maybe we can get the pot's panel to get its extension back.

    3. Potions and Repairing

    I kind of liked those new magical pots. Can't we find a solution to use
    them with old patch? Its probably complicated since all effects doesn't
    match with Legacy but who knows, one day maybe? About repairing, i
    try hard to understand how the decision has been made to simply delete
    it. I guess someone said one day: "Hey, this shit is annoying and pointless."
    And at this moment no one responded: "Wait a second, this is roleplay. It's
    making sense that you can break your gear in the middle of the battle.
    Maybe we can improve it in case we make some end content where we'll
    need to spend hours without going back intown."

    > For those new potions, the only thing i would personally change would be that the pots would get empty after the cooldown effect (they will work along with old pots that way). You would need to ask akara for a refill or you could also use some Alchemy skill that would refill all your empty magical pots. Same thing for repairing: a Blacksmith skill would help you to get your gear repaired in a middle of a cruci.

    4. More players affect droprate.

    I heard alex saying that this may come back at some point so i won't
    insist to explain why this is a good thing. Obviously it does need
    improvement to prevent the loading toons trick and to actually make
    things better for those who love to play together.

    > I already made a thread about this one year ago. ( Forest responded with the perfect solution: "imo drop chance should increase still if you're within xp range of your party members.". This would be such a huge improvement! I'm sure this will also make Guilds much stronger. It's a must needed improvement.


    Legacy end content is perfect. Few improvements would make him
    godlike. I do think marks should come back. They could work along
    with trial. I'm not seeing any issue about getting those two working
    together. They were 100% Annihilus. Beautiful stones and fanzy
    gameplay to open them. I would jerk off just to pick up one again.
    Chtulhu altar should go back on tracks. I loved to get extra goodies
    from boxes there and it actually gave another good reason to collect
    blue organs. Some project was to make maps corruptable in order
    to get some extra boss in it that would give some more drop. That
    idea was genius. Who should we masturbate to get it up again?
    The haunted forest area is awesome and gives a legit way to get
    those new charms without Halloween event. It would be so sexy to
    use it (a little bit smaller) as an extra crucible level.

    We still can play plenty builds on Legacy but with some little buffs we could play plenty more. I'm really not a balance expert so i wait some smartass players who are interested to give their hints down there. A little brainstorming of the community could save some precious time for our dear devs right?

    I really hope Annihilus Legacy (such a badass name by the way)
    will stand still and will workout to get a perfect 7.0 bubble butt.
    I gave lot of dumb ideas. I'm sure you guys got plenty more.
    Let's go easy with Alex and choose the right ones (I would
    suggest to classify ideas by relevance). Abraços. Paz. <3

    i dont even look at a woman if she aint got a fat ass,
    as well as i dont even play d2 if its plain jane, ( retail ) ( blizzard version ) i e - annihilus added end game content that was challenging i never in my life played d2 to pve..... annihilus actually made it fun, i could not believe it. and i am sad to hear the only 3 things i logged in to do crucible trials / maps , anyway vouch jeremy,

    i hope we see some more end game content coming soon

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Annihilus Account: acyroma

    I would like to point out that SotR is going to have even more endgame content than Legacy has. We're not taking anything out, not quite sure where you got that impression.

  5. #5
    Development Team
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    Annihilus Account: Firehawk

    When the big ole bubble butt goes wrong.

    Greetings Player,

    I'm writing this to you in hopes that I can solve the issue regarding my own wonderful piece of ass in as expedient a manor as humanly possible. It all started approximately two years ago. Before that point, the booty treated me pretty well. It wasn't perfect, but oh man was the ass fat and juicy. I could plant my face between those cheeks all day. But as fate would have it, this would not last. Something changed one of those days, and now, all these years later, I'm remiss to recall exactly the moment I should've ran. It's unfortunate, because all those years later, I'm in too deep to quit.

    You see it was on a day just like this one that the booty betrayed me. Grabbing both cheeks firmly, lovingly, I dove in for my third (or maybe fourth) helping of the day, when the booty let out a little squeak (damage overflow). Now, I can be a bit of a freak under the sheets, but this was a nasty that was just plain nasty. But I let it slide. I smacked the booty playfully, albeit a bit forcefully, and soldiered on.

    But the booty smacked back.

    It shidded (crashed), it farded (10 second omega kill), and it shot me right out of that bed with a force not of this earth. The potency, the power of it all rendered me partially blind in that moment (solo crucible runs), or perhaps it was the impact of my head against that hotel room carpet (griever drops a hp potion on my forehead), but it broke wind to a moment of clarity.

    This booty would never be the same.

    So I write to you, player, in hopes that some time soon, you can show me just where the booty went wrong for me. My heart is in pieces, so I'll let your reply be the glue I need to unite me with my booty once more.

    Thank you,

  6. #6
    Junior Member player's Avatar
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    Well, it just sound you despite Annihilus and Diablo2 my friend. I feel sorry for you.
    I wish you guys will come back to the reality soon... There is people who actually loved Annihilus.
    You are just spitting in their faces with your smart ass irony.
    Sorry if i upset you by just not having the same way of seeing that game.
    I just shared my feeling and checked if people would also like to play a better Legacy.
    No need to thank me if you think the opposite. I don't like much false people.
    And yeah you do write a fucking good english that i don't understand much.
    But as you can see i did got your point. Well done.

  7. #7
    Development Team
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    It may not have been the most tactful reply, so I apologize for that.

    My biggest problem as of now is that people seem to think they have a clear understanding of our intentions, all the while not listening to what we've already laid out for the beta participants, and the public.

    Did you know half of the criticisms you have with SotR aren't even valid?

    Until now, each Annihilus patch was capitalizing on the previous one,
    keeping what was working and improving the rest. It was a really slow
    and careful process. For that new patch, they made things different.
    Most of old annihilus and some of the original gameplay is gone.
    That's probably why they wisely made Legacy and i'm really thankful
    for that. I hope some of the work that have been made on SoR could
    be used in a 7.0 patch for Annihilus Legacy.
    That being said, let's be critical and see if we can find something
    good out of it. Annihilus end content. Maps, dreamland, cruci, etc...
    I just can't imagine play the game without them any more.
    They're not gone.

    We've said that already. We've laid out exactly how we're hosting the beta and conducting the beta process, but I'll repeat it again here.

    We have changed a great deal of the damage and skill calculations in the game for the sole purpose of fixing bugs, improving damage accuracy, and improving transparency as far as understanding how your damage works. Damage in Diablo 2 is like a black box - you put stats in, you get something (maybe the right amount of damage, maybe not) out. That goes for vanilla Diablo 2 and (almost) every mod that has ever been created for it. All of the skills in the game have been re-balanced or reworked. The main objective of the first beta period, once again, is to test how those skills progress through the base game content (act 1 normal to act 5 hell). That is all. Period. Nothing else. Before we can begin to present the endgame, we cannot ignore the early game. We have laid this out again, so to say that the old Annihilus content is gone is just plain wrong. We've told you this, personally, and hopefully it's understood this time around.

    The second beta, which will come out once the first beta's mission is accomplished, will include the endgame content as we start to flesh out the rift system. The rift system is a thematic re-imagining of the legacy Annihilus content to get it to fit a bit nicer in progression and Diablo 2 as a game overall. It will feature brand new early, mid, and endgame mechanics, and many secrets we won't reveal right now (Because that spoils the fun). Maps, crucible, the old bosses, they're coming back. Things like trials are not coming back, because they were universally a bad idea. They're abusable by design, so the idea is gone. The bosses from the trials will more than likely be kept, but that's all from that. Trust me when I say that we're not just throwing out Annihilus' content. This whole entire endeavor was to allow Annihilus content to shine and not be held back by completely destroyed balance as far as damage, and items that have forced Legacy to be plagued by an unfix-able power creep. The other mechanic that will be available in the second beta is the soul system, which will allow you to capture boss souls throughout progression to power your Annihilus charm. Various bosses will provide special boss souls that can be used to open up whole new build options. Again, this is not in the first beta, because testing progression is our priority at the moment.

    The third beta will be the polishing up phase where we try to glue it all together properly. This beta may not even be necessary, depending on how proactive the testers are.

    Annihilus Legacy is the current live Annihilus server, as is, bar none. It's not getting any updates, it's not changing, that's the end of that. Maybe in the future, but that future will probably never come.

    Now, onto the other points you placed in here:

    1. Use of inventory, cube and charms.

    All this years of Annihilus brought me to LOVE organizing my inventory
    and cube. Using my cube both for storage and crafting purpose was a
    pleasure. The cube is a masterpiece of diablo2 in my opinion. The more
    i use it, the more i'm feeling good and happy. Have you seen that
    bright light when you finally click on that transmute button? Have you
    heard that lovely sound when you store your mess in it? I know you
    love it too. Was it also necessary to delete all those sexy and useful
    charms in order to transform your inventory into a shopping trolley?
    That's the perfect job for the cube! Inventory customization with all
    those charms was part of extending the fun while preparing your
    character imo.
    The cube was not meant to be used as storage. In fact, it's one of the most frustrating pieces of storage I've ever used in a game. In the current version of Annihilus, it's not so bad due to the lack of cube recipes, but back when the cube served a multitude of core functions as far as crafting? It was abysmal dropping your items on the ground just to transmute something. We're of the opinion that the basic acts of progression shouldn't be obfuscated behind cube recipes that aren't available for people to see in the game. To us, you shouldn't have to have the wiki open in the background as a requirement to playing the game. The game should stay in the game, and until we find a really (and I mean really) attractive solution to using the cube, it will stay as a tool only for specific mid/endgame uses. As for charms, I have to ask that you wait and see what we have in store for charms.

    2. Walking and books.

    I have been called obsessional and nostalgic for questioning that. But
    aren't we all, playing and modding that game 20 years latter? I got so
    sad when i discovered books disappeared that i thrown up on the new
    auto-id system. Sorry for that. I just despite identification and
    books have been lost in the process. About walking, just go back in
    time and remember walking in Diablo1 Tristram. I think it does make
    sense that you should get tired at some point after running all around
    and also that you get more tanky standing still and walking than running.

    If we're going to use David Brevik's take on Diablo 2, can we then agree that stamina is a bad idea? It’s a pointless mechanic that serves no purpose. If not, we’ll have to agree to disagree there. As for walking, you look back to a game like Diablo 1, but what you seem to forget is that the overall velocity of Diablo 1 is much different than any other ARPG in existence. The entire game is balanced around your movement speed as a player. All of the monsters move in a similar fashion. In Diablo 2, walking, in many cases, turns into running by mid/endgame with how fast you end up going. Stamina becomes just a waste of space with no purpose, and you get punished for not speed walking. Modern ARPGs (Basically everything after Diablo 1) favor speed of progression, velocity through mod density, and mechanically challenging boss fights.

    If you enjoy walking, Player, just for you, I will give you the ability to walk, as long as you let me remove your ability to teleport (Which I also think is a bad mechanic in ARPGs, but that’s another discussion). Just because a feature exists in a timeless classic, doesn't mean it's infallible. If that were the case, nobody would make mods.

    Books. Town Portal scrolls and books just became a formality with the removal of in game gold. That happened before I even showed up here, I should add. There was no purpose to forcing players to keep books and scrolls for those in your inventory, so we removed it. As for identification scrolls, I want to make it clear - we are NOT locked in on our opinion of that particular feature. The one thing we universally don’t like is the fact that you have to keep physical identification items in your inventory. If you remember, we ran a poll on this exact feature - and I’m sure you remember that overwhelmingly, the beta members voted in favor of auto identification. But it is a beta, so we may test other solutions, such as an innate identification skill. Short of that, if you just don’t agree, that's unfortunate.

    3. Potions and Repairing

    I kind of liked those new magical pots. Can't we find a solution to use
    them with old patch? Its probably complicated since all effects doesn't
    match with Legacy but who knows, one day maybe? About repairing, i
    try hard to understand how the decision has been made to simply delete
    it. I guess someone said one day: "Hey, this shit is annoying and pointless."
    And at this moment no one responded: "Wait a second, this is roleplay. It's
    making sense that you can break your gear in the middle of the battle.
    Maybe we can improve it in case we make some end content where we'll
    need to spend hours without going back intown."
    Potions as they are in SotR are not making their way to Legacy. See above for that. On the topic of repairing, it's the same problem we had with books. It's free. It's just an inconvenience. We didn't see it enriching the game in any way, so we got rid of it. The reasoning is there - if you don't agree, we'll once again just have to agree to disagree.

    4. More players affect droprate.

    I heard alex saying that this may come back at some point so i won't
    insist to explain why this is a good thing. Obviously it does need
    improvement to prevent the loading toons trick and to actually make
    things better for those who love to play together.

    > I already made a thread about this one year ago. ( Forest responded with the perfect solution: "imo drop chance should increase still if you're within xp range of your party members.". This would be such a huge improvement! I'm sure this will also make Guilds much stronger. It's a must needed improvement.
    We're considering basically that exact same solution to that problem.

    Legacy end content is perfect. Few improvements would make him
    godlike. I do think marks should come back. They could work along
    with trial. I'm not seeing any issue about getting those two working
    together. They were 100% Annihilus. Beautiful stones and fanzy
    gameplay to open them. I would jerk off just to pick up one again.
    Chtulhu altar should go back on tracks. I loved to get extra goodies
    from boxes there and it actually gave another good reason to collect
    blue organs. Some project was to make maps corruptable in order
    to get some extra boss in it that would give some more drop. That
    idea was genius. Who should we masturbate to get it up again?
    The haunted forest area is awesome and gives a legit way to get
    those new charms without Halloween event. It would be so sexy to
    use it (a little bit smaller) as an extra crucible level.
    Legacy has far too many problems to list, and far too many problems that enable other problems. Of those problems, most of them can't be fixed without a full server wipe. Guess what? That's almost exactly what we're doing with SotR.

    We're putting in the time and effort to make this project successful, the hours are rough, so if I come across as crass, forgive me. We need people who are going to be on our side. That side is on the side of making this expansion the best it can possibly be. That means testing, that means giving us feedback on SotR, that means engaging in discussions about it on the forum through the proper channels, and it also means taking off the nostalgia blinders and thinking a bit more objectively about what makes a game fun.
    Last edited by Firehawk; 05-23-2019 at 10:09 PM.

  8. #8
    Junior Member player's Avatar
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    Annihilus Account: Player

    First of all, i notice you guys don't let much space for the community to "breathe" and discuss without your intervention, that being on discord or on forum. If you are so sure to lead annihilus to the correct direction you wouldn't care to let people talk and express their feelings. But that's ok, if you insist we can do that as well. I'll be simple.

    1. "We have changed a great deal of the damage and skill calculations in the game..."

    Great! Look, i'm noob. I love Annihilus and Diablo2 but i'm noob. I'm not a geek. I just enjoy playing. I honestly don't care much about calculation. What matters to me in a game is its gameplay and artwork. I'm proud i'v made that new ui honestly. It's an upgrade of the diablo2 ui and not some new messy design that would not fit well with the gothic low contrast style of the original forms and colours. I wish you guys had made the same statement about gameplay. You quoted me "Most of old annihilus and some of the original gameplay is gone." but didn't talk about that. You guys actually overwrote charms with essences.

    Basically the gameplay in this new mod is to max os items and to sock and unsock your gear every 5min. In Legacy you get boner easily by identifying fatass items. In Sotr you need to masturbate a lot on flat ass items using those essences until you get your dick hard. You have to admit this is a completely different gameplay and way to walk through the game (or run i should say ).

    2. "The cube was not meant to be used as storage."

    Inventory became a huge part of improvement and customization of your character with charms. Therefore, cube became really useful to store unids while farming. You say cube is crap so you delete charms to transform inventory into a messy shopping trolley. I say it would have been wise to upgrade the cube instead. Again, i'm gonna quote myself because you didn't read or didn't want to comment about this. Cube could be improved with some mechanics "to automatically unpack it when dragging it in stash and to store automaticity in it the items you pick up on floor while having full inventory". This would have been upgrading old annihilus gameplay. It could have been done along with your new damage and calculation damages etc...

    3. " All of the skills in the game have been re-balanced or reworked."

    Or erased. We hardly recognise d2 skill trees. I helped you guys to make the ui of those trees and i even shared my feelings in the process. I didn't insisted because i thought that anyway i always could play some Annihilus Legacy. But you actually want SotR to be like a corruption orb bricking Legacy. I thought they could work along together. If you guys decide that Legacy will not gets some little patch and reset once in while that is clearly the end of it.

    4. About end contents: "They're not gone" "We've told you this, personally"

    You probably confusing me with someone else. I never commented end content before that thread and no one gave me that info in private. I've put this in my post because some friends complained about and i did noticed dreamland was gone in beta. Did i missed something? Did you guys talked about end content somewhere? I'm glad this was a misunderstanding even if it doesn't matter that much.

    5. "Legacy has far too many problems to list, [..] most of them can't be fixed without a full server wipe."

    Once again, i'm probably not seeing the game as you do. I'm just a player. I'm not looking into detailed damage nor skill mechanics. This doesn't matter much to me. What i care about is having fun on a game i used to play when i was 10. Annihilus brought that to me. Today i don't recognize diablo gameplay in that new mod. For now, only remaining solution is to play Legacy. I'm sure i'm not the only one thinking that way. But people are usually scared about controversy, and even more when forms of "authority" gets intrusive and comes to tell you what you should think.

    So GG to you guys.
    You won hiding the crap under the carpet.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by player View Post
    First of all, i notice you guys don't let much space for the community to "breathe" and discuss without your intervention, that being on discord or on forum. If you are so sure to lead annihilus to the correct direction you wouldn't care to let people talk and express their feelings. But that's ok, if you insist we can do that as well. I'll be simple.

    1. "We have changed a great deal of the damage and skill calculations in the game..."

    Great! Look, i'm noob. I love Annihilus and Diablo2 but i'm noob. I'm not a geek. I just enjoy playing. I honestly don't care much about calculation. What matters to me in a game is its gameplay and artwork. I'm proud i'v made that new ui honestly. It's an upgrade of the diablo2 ui and not some new messy design that would not fit well with the gothic low contrast style of the original forms and colours. I wish you guys had made the same statement about gameplay. You quoted me "Most of old annihilus and some of the original gameplay is gone." but didn't talk about that. You guys actually overwrote charms with essences.

    Basically the gameplay in this new mod is to max os items and to sock and unsock your gear every 5min. In Legacy you get boner easily by identifying fatass items. In Sotr you need to masturbate a lot on flat ass items using those essences until you get your dick hard. You have to admit this is a completely different gameplay and way to walk through the game (or run i should say ).

    2. "The cube was not meant to be used as storage."

    Inventory became a huge part of improvement and customization of your character with charms. Therefore, cube became really useful to store unids while farming. You say cube is crap so you delete charms to transform inventory into a messy shopping trolley. I say it would have been wise to upgrade the cube instead. Again, i'm gonna quote myself because you didn't read or didn't want to comment about this. Cube could be improved with some mechanics "to automatically unpack it when dragging it in stash and to store automaticity in it the items you pick up on floor while having full inventory". This would have been upgrading old annihilus gameplay. It could have been done along with your new damage and calculation damages etc...

    3. " All of the skills in the game have been re-balanced or reworked."

    Or erased. We hardly recognise d2 skill trees. I helped you guys to make the ui of those trees and i even shared my feelings in the process. I didn't insisted because i thought that anyway i always could play some Annihilus Legacy. But you actually want SotR to be like a corruption orb bricking Legacy. I thought they could work along together. If you guys decide that Legacy will not gets some little patch and reset once in while that is clearly the end of it.

    4. About end contents: "They're not gone" "We've told you this, personally"

    You probably confusing me with someone else. I never commented end content before that thread and no one gave me that info in private. I've put this in my post because some friends complained about and i did noticed dreamland was gone in beta. Did i missed something? Did you guys talked about end content somewhere? I'm glad this was a misunderstanding even if it doesn't matter that much.

    5. "Legacy has far too many problems to list, [..] most of them can't be fixed without a full server wipe."

    Once again, i'm probably not seeing the game as you do. I'm just a player. I'm not looking into detailed damage nor skill mechanics. This doesn't matter much to me. What i care about is having fun on a game i used to play when i was 10. Annihilus brought that to me. Today i don't recognize diablo gameplay in that new mod. For now, only remaining solution is to play Legacy. I'm sure i'm not the only one thinking that way. But people are usually scared about controversy, and even more when forms of "authority" gets intrusive and comes to tell you what you should think.

    So GG to you guys.
    You won hiding the crap under the carpet.
    Sorry Jeremy but you need to learn just because you feel a certain way doesn't mean everyone else does. The vast majority of people I have personally talked to and discussed changes with absolutely love the direction we have went. I get not everyone will be happy, but you have to learn not everyone feels the same as you. Sure you can cherry pick a few people who agree with you, but this server is everything to me and I have spent several hours doing nothing but discussing SotR with the people, and almost every single one of them love the direction we're taking.

  10. #10
    Junior Member player's Avatar
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    RIO, FR
    Annihilus Account: Player

    I read no argument there so you don't need to feel sorry.
    All the devs coming here to stifle the case is making me laugh actually.

    I have met few people getting really critical with my work. Most of the time you get flattering or indifference. One day someone got an old painting of mine and expressed to me that he thought my old work was more interesting than the new one. I first got hurts then i checked with him what he actually liked in my old paintings. I had to admit my new ones were missing some nice free touches and contrasts that old ones used to have.

    "You can cherry pick people who agree with you" . Maybe i would. But all you guys comes here to make me feel bad about my critics. Doesn't really give the feeling for who open this thread that this is a friendly discussion.

    It's not because i like to play old annihilus over your new mod that you should cry. Quite the opposite. This should be a reminder of where all that work comes from and what was fucking good back there.

    What's the point to have a Legacy Server if you guys doesn't sustain it a minimum? No need to add more content. Just few upgrades. Buff here, nerf there and reset. Easy. (I know it's not easy, that's why i think old community could help).

    I'll go check on that inventory screen glitch now.
    Paz. Abraços.

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