Quote Originally Posted by tragos View Post
I wish I could help more but all I can do is to give you a small tip.
All players may have good and bad times, why don't you try to create or join a clan? (If you didn't yet) make some good trustworthy friends,run some events together, create and share a team account where all of you have access. None of us started geared and rich, I have just a necro summoner with decent gear but without the help of my mates I am pretty sure I couldn't do that by myself.if you change a bit your mind set and see things a bit more positive might help you I enjoy every moment with my clan I don't care if I miss any items, we fail some times but we are still smiling that's how we roll, take your time though and see how it works for you!
I'll look into it. Like I said, I'm just taking a break to de-stress a bit. Cheers.