Quote Originally Posted by aolin View Post
I dont believe that any of these mobs hit too hard or have any true 1 shot mechanics, everything is avoidable or able to be nullified with gear to some extent, my sin has no problems with any of the crucible mobs except the ones that curse me. (curse immu enchant pls) the crucible and mythic bosses arn't meant to be solo'd easily.
You don't believe it, but it's true, or why would I complain about it.

Also, there is a Curse Immune Enchant already, but good luck ever getting it on your item. *face palm*

And yeah, I'm not asking to solo bosses, I didn't say I'm having trouble damaging anything.
It's how fast you are able to die on this server, it's far too high in some areas for my liking.

Can we please get back to the topic about Wind Druid?