Quote Originally Posted by vaudeville View Post
In general, I'd like to see the following kinds of items

For late game
1) As mentioned above, a shield meant more for physical builds in general and something that is better than the Banish Runeword
2) An improved Shadow Dancer or altogether another pair of boots meant for a Martial Arts Assassin
3) A magic skill damage or enemy magic resistance belt
4) A powerful two handed axe or maul meant for a druid
5) A new or improved bow for a non-elemental Bowzon

In general
1) A fire elemental based helmet on par with Nightwing's Veil or Griffon's Eye (which isn't too hard to find)
2) A cold and lightning elemental based gloves on par with Lazarus's Gloves
3) A lightning elemental based gloves on par with Lazarus's Gloves
I agree or just have stuff to add about a few of these things.

Not much to say about your first idea, but i'll leave others to give their own opinion on that.

A new pair of Boots for assassin would be nice.
Something with some added kick damage would be nice possibly, though I haven't tested a Kick Sin on Anni.

I don't think there's a magic skill damage belt, I could be wrong, but I know Scourgelords belt already has magic resist.

There is already a maul called Earthshifter meant for Elemental Druids possibly even a Fire Claws Druid.
It could be given an upgrade possibly or a second different kind of Druid 2H weapon could be made.

And new improved box for non-ele zon is a great idea, I never see non-ele zons anymore.

I came up with an idea for a fire elemental based helmet but it was specifically for druid.
I'll post it in my next post that I decide to show some more item ideas of my own.

Cold/Light gloves are always a good possibility, not much bad to say about that idea.

All in all, some good idea's.