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Thread: How to utelise a "tradable gold" feature

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Annihilus Account: Vorpvp

    How to utelise a "tradable gold" feature

    Now look, this is just purely my suggestion and what I came up with at 1am hyped up on monster, so forgive me if I leave out details.

    First off, we don't need this feature. We have a perfectly stable economy without it. However, if this were to be added it would HAVE to be a secondary gold (i.e. platinum). I understand that it's buggy at the moment, but if it matters enough it will be fixed. Here's how to prevent an implosion to the economy at the start of a ladder.

    Set a limit to the amount of platinum allowed to be purchased.

    At first this seems like a, "wait, how will I be able to keep donating to the server after I hit the mark?" but you can just buy non tradeable gold. I'd say a good limit is 50k. This keeps people from blowing 100s of USD and instantly buying everything they want early (i.e. book of abyss and a full set of endgame gear) upon a ladder reset. I'd also consider completely removing the option for the first week or so of the ladder, similar to how Hadriel works. You could potentially have 1m tradeable gold, but it would all have to be obtained in the same ladder.

    Make tradeable gold NON-TRADEABLE at the end of a ladder

    This also disables players from stockpiling gold for the next ladder. Of course, they can go donate that 50k again but that also gives you, vav, more money and that is a trade off I'd be willing to make as long as the server prospered from it. Yes, it does mean you will have a shitton of non tradeable gold but it also means that hey, you can go blow 100k gold from last ladder on rerolls this ladder to ensure you have perfect/near perfect gear. It's a benefit as well as a detriment and doesn't make the current gold system useless. It also allows for the voting system to stay in place.

    All in all, I think allowing stockpiled gold to be traded is absurd when it was told that it would not happen. Everyone would have stockpiled if that were the case from the start. However, times have changed and now the people want tradeable gold. I say make them wait for a solid platinum system. We've gotten along this far, we can wait for that too. Otherwise you should throw out the idea entirely. The backlash you would get from allow stockpiling gold to be traded would be very detrimental to the server as a whole, as some will boycott donating entirely or just quit all together. The community is all up in arms right now, and I'm trying to find a peaceful solution to the problem of wanting tradeable gold without ruining the economy as a whole.

  2. #2
    Junior Member sleezy2's Avatar
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    thats an easy +1 to me, seems fair to everyone. Will keeping the community competitive while not creating malicious drama within.

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Annihilus Account: Bloop3

    This seems like a really good idea to me, especially the part about making the gold not be usable right away during a reset. Or at the very least it's a very great start. Good enough that I'll ignore the utelise thing. <3 u chef bb

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Vorpvp View Post
    Now look, this is just purely my suggestion and what I came up with at 1am hyped up on monster, so forgive me if I leave out details.

    First off, we don't need this feature. We have a perfectly stable economy without it. However, if this were to be added it would HAVE to be a secondary gold (i.e. platinum). I understand that it's buggy at the moment, but if it matters enough it will be fixed. Here's how to prevent an implosion to the economy at the start of a ladder.

    Set a limit to the amount of platinum allowed to be purchased.

    At first this seems like a, "wait, how will I be able to keep donating to the server after I hit the mark?" but you can just buy non tradeable gold. I'd say a good limit is 50k. This keeps people from blowing 100s of USD and instantly buying everything they want early (i.e. book of abyss and a full set of endgame gear) upon a ladder reset. I'd also consider completely removing the option for the first week or so of the ladder, similar to how Hadriel works. You could potentially have 1m tradeable gold, but it would all have to be obtained in the same ladder.

    Make tradeable gold NON-TRADEABLE at the end of a ladder

    This also disables players from stockpiling gold for the next ladder. Of course, they can go donate that 50k again but that also gives you, vav, more money and that is a trade off I'd be willing to make as long as the server prospered from it. Yes, it does mean you will have a shitton of non tradeable gold but it also means that hey, you can go blow 100k gold from last ladder on rerolls this ladder to ensure you have perfect/near perfect gear. It's a benefit as well as a detriment and doesn't make the current gold system useless. It also allows for the voting system to stay in place.

    All in all, I think allowing stockpiled gold to be traded is absurd when it was told that it would not happen. Everyone would have stockpiled if that were the case from the start. However, times have changed and now the people want tradeable gold. I say make them wait for a solid platinum system. We've gotten along this far, we can wait for that too. Otherwise you should throw out the idea entirely. The backlash you would get from allow stockpiling gold to be traded would be very detrimental to the server as a whole, as some will boycott donating entirely or just quit all together. The community is all up in arms right now, and I'm trying to find a peaceful solution to the problem of wanting tradeable gold without ruining the economy as a whole.
    As of now there are 0 plans to make any type of tradeable gold, I have said this atleast 5 times in multiple threads over the last 24 hours. There is no need for you to hunt a peaceful solution, as this discussion as come and gone. Any motivation I had to make it work was killed. I'll leave this thread open, but I will go ahead and say any further discussion will be meaningless. Thanks to everyone who gave me their opinion.

  5. #5
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    Annihilus Account: Vorpvp

    Quote Originally Posted by Bloop View Post
    This seems like a really good idea to me, especially the part about making the gold not be usable right away during a reset. Or at the very least it's a very great start. Good enough that I'll ignore the utelise thing. <3 u chef bb

  6. #6
    Junior Member
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    Annihilus Account: Vorpvp

    Quote Originally Posted by Game View Post
    As of now there are 0 plans to make any type of tradeable gold, I have said this atleast 5 times in multiple threads over the last 24 hours. There is no need for you to hunt a peaceful solution, as this discussion as come and gone. Any motivation I had to make it work was killed. I'll leave this thread open, but I will go ahead and say any further discussion will be meaningless. Thanks to everyone who gave me their opinion.
    I understand that, I wasn't home for most of the shit in all honesty, I was at work from 9am til 7pm yesterday. More than likely this topic will come up again, and whether or not you decide to do it is up to you. I honestly don't care either way. It recently occurred to me another method of making it work from the buggy perspective is to have a separate value on the forums for platinum, and have it inaccessible in game. However, you could xfer your Plat to gold but not the other way around. Just trying to figure out a system that works in a strict manner without being "useless" to people who have stockpiled gold.

    I like the subscriber idea, regardless. I have no problem donating monthly and such for special perks or whatever.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Vorpvp View Post
    I understand that, I wasn't home for most of the shit in all honesty, I was at work from 9am til 7pm yesterday. More than likely this topic will come up again, and whether or not you decide to do it is up to you. I honestly don't care either way. It recently occurred to me another method of making it work from the buggy perspective is to have a separate value on the forums for platinum, and have it inaccessible in game. However, you could xfer your Plat to gold but not the other way around. Just trying to figure out a system that works in a strict manner without being "useless" to people who have stockpiled gold.

    I like the subscriber idea, regardless. I have no problem donating monthly and such for special perks or whatever.
    I also addressed having the platinum currency and make it have to be converted to Gold to use in another thread, but I also said I don't want to do that because it is just so sloppy, I think it is for the best to just leave it, I was just trying to make people happy as Gold has been requested as tradeable for so long. I should have stuck to my original gut and just never brought it up instead of being influenced by the wants of the community, as I usually have a good reason for my decisions. I will be adding a subscriber feature with other perks like I mentioned in the original poll, but I will not include any type of Gold trading. Thanks for your concern on the whole matter though and wanting to find a solution, I appreciate it.

  8. #8
    Junior Member
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    gold trading just brings down the market either way. and its going to happen here in a few months where everyone wants gold for their items since they wont need any other items. i like the idea of the subscription since it keeps the server funded but i feel like gold shouldnt be used in this type of sense. if alex is implementing the subsriber thing than i believe gold shouldnt be used like how it is anymore and only should be used to get affects and other misc stuff that wouldnt put any players ahead of other based on how much gold they have(even though its not much of an advantage.) removing simple things like baskets, runes and other things that can be farmed. and to back up the negatives this may have alex could simply implement a name color change in game for say 500gold a color and you can choose a color that isnt a mod/admin color. maybe you can change the skin of you zon to look like a sorc for gold. these are just ideas but it would make all players happy in the end. just simple design changes that dont give a player any advantage other than saying "hey im a sub, see my sorc using zon skills. this could be you if you sub!!!"

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