Quote Originally Posted by sleezy2 View Post
You have done all you can in regards to fixing it. The problem is the damge has been done. I just want to play on a server that is fair. I dont know why that is so hard to understand. You really need help with pr, try to understand where people are coming from. all you keep doing is defending your decision. People want to hear something like this wont hapen anymore. Why do you think this has blown up so much? People pay good money to play on here. So if they feel cheated, maybe you should identify with them rather than defending yourself.
LOL so you are STILL going about this after the chapter is closed and everything is said and done, but you keep ranting about it so I ask you what you want me to do since you feel the need to rant, and you respond with nothing at all? Move on please. I completely understood how some people are upset because they were not aware they could do the same thing, I feel for them, but you all keep griping about the SAME stuff, I can only maintain composure so long. I can only take so much of people complaining without even wanting anything done, you're literally just complaining to complain. Even responding to this anymore is counter productive. I already said it will be disabled next ladder. I don't want to hear anymore about this.