It's definitely a good idea to boost the golems with some unique features and health.

Clay golem is the most common pick because it has 40k+ health and about 50% crushing blow, perhaps it should become the 2nd best tank next to Iron golem (damage reduction and max resist) and remain the top boss killer with its high crushing blows.

Fire golem should perhaps have the highest damage and lowest health, and give it Conviction or the Clay golems reduce spell resist aura, and it being a caster seems fine.

Blood golem already has a nice Mass regen aura, but it makes sense to give it a lot of life steal and maybe even more health than Clay because it shares a connection to the necromancer, maybe it can make revives stay alive longer or increase max health.

Iron golem would be amazing to use with Gems to gain different related auras/stats, but that being said it should have almost the same health as Clay golem and have plenty of extra damage reduction and 2-4% higher max resist. It can be the best tank because it can consume perfect gems to come alive.

Quote Originally Posted by acyroma View Post
Interesting idea. Just a heads up but conviction does reduce poison resistance here.
New spell/aura effect changes should be added to the wiki so everyone knows this is changed and what new stuff does.