Quote Originally Posted by sleezy2 View Post
well i personally think it could be harder, i really enjoy the challenge. Lets also remember that its meant as a challenge and its team orientated. So maybe try building a team and heroes that will compliment the crucible. There are plenty of new OP builds right now to try, maybe instead of playing what was good last patch. try some of then new skills that were changed or new items!! even last seasons builds wont feel nearly as good because of enemys increased life. i still agree that nados got nerfed to much, especially when so many skills got buffed. Also tried out armagedon and its slightly lack luster due to fire res issues. had almost same gear as golem sorc and wasnt even close to the same damage output.

CANT wait for the next level in crucible so tears will start playing his barb again and stop thinking that game is too ezzz
i really like to increase difficulty as well , but it has made some older build pretty meh , Like psn necro , FF bow zon , and so on , my idea would be to adjust with time , cuz it fells weird to see no FF zon out there haha