Quote Originally Posted by Brimstonejack View Post
When other classes get fully geared, THEN start making judgments about what's OP. Not a few guys with just-barely end-game gear. When it can be decided which classes are dominating WITH end-game gear, with tons of people "exploiting" a class, than start calling shit. Just my opinion.
End of the day, the attack is scaling to well. It's that simple, not hard to work out that if it scales to well with x amount of gear it's only going to grow further ahead with more gear... A thing Game clearly sees coming and thus has decided to give it a small nerf as to stop it from growing so far ahead and you don't need people to have the gear in order to see it because it's ultimately basic math.

At a basic way of looking at it numbers as an example, GA is gaining 1.3x scaling as it gains more gear while other skills are at like 1.1x so GA needs to be brought down a little to match them. You don't need to see it, to know how it's going to go and it's better to nerf it before it gets there.