Quote Originally Posted by sleezy2 View Post
D CLONE IS NOT A SECRET!! you are acting like joe is so smart. lol. soj being sold to spawn dclone was because of a currency issue. did we have to many diablo soulstones??

Im sick of fighting with you about this. You are standing behind you decision, fine. im just telling you how it looks that is all. if you dont want to look like you favor someone than maybe think about how it will look before making a decision.
I am not acting like Joe is some genius at all, infact I am stating the opposite, and I have said it pretty bluntly multiple times. Joe isn't a genius, other people are just lacking intelligence in the matter. I am closing this thread, I cannot deal with responding to people who only see what they want to see, and are always so sure they are 100% right, regardless of what is laid out in front of them.