Hey guys and dolls!

Before I get started, I would like to advise that I haven't browsed every (well barely any) post on this forum to find the answers, I thought the best option would be to post and get more direct answers!

Considering getting back into d2, after I convince the GF to join me I was looking for a High Resolution mod with servers to check out. Came across this and it looked like a fair bit of effort has gone into this.

I have previously played several thousand hours on D2 + LOD, and probably a good few thousand hours on a mod called Hell Unleashed (might give insight into some of my experience & questions). Due to loving d2 so much, I've also spent around 1000 hours on d3 (maybe more now).

I'm a Hardcore player, who almost exclusively plays hardcore because it's more thrilling and with softcore, you can just throw corpses at it until you win. HC just makes the game more exciting.


1: What's the Hardcore community like? How many active players are there every week in hardcore? if not many, how about softcore? I had a look at the server active games list and saw that there is definitely a few people playing.

2: Would you recommend playing hardcore in this mod? I've entirely solo'd the other mod (Hell Unleashed) in hardcore up to level 101 which is designed for 6 player parties, and am just curious of the difficulty and if there any bull**** things that happen to suggest I start softcore?

3: I've read about a few of the major changes between this and D2+LOD and know a few, but I didn't see anything in passing about skill changes. Have the skills etc been overhauled as well as everything else or are they largely the same?

4: What resolution does this mod run with?

5: How stable and fast are the servers considering I'm from Australia? what about the fact that they have so many people able to be in 1 game at a time? Will I get smashed for latency in a non-empty game?

Any other things you might think I need to know please let me know. I'll check back here tomorrow to see all of your helpful updates!

Thanks in advance for your help and I look forward to saving the world with you all.

Regards, Qwazym.