Playing Anni for a couple months, it's quite apparent that runes are good for trading, hoarding, and maybe throwing in a few sockets. This observation is fairly obvious, but mostly runes seem to be hoarded but not traded as no one wants them, but items instead.

So I was toying with the idea to have certain areas require runes to get in. For example;

Worldstone event: the crystals and an ohm rune to fight rezarfg or w/e

Blue organs + ist
Cow organs + gul

Sitches drop his ear and cube with mal to open lich

Uber key set + um (3 ums to get all 3 organs)

4 zod to reroll anni or torch maybe?

The idea is to make runes necessary to get better items and increase their value, even if it is just for mid runes.

Discuss below but try and keep comments constructive and free of belittling language.