Could someone point me in the right direction here? My friend and I have been duoing for about 5 days now reaching level 85 ish, we are new to all of this content and most of the game(been 5+years since weve played last). We have 6-8 mules total for hell mode and want to start doing end game content tristram/dreamlands, Inferno portals, plaguelands and lich king as well, weve tried all of these on hell difficulty and have trouble even finishing the first stages. I'm currently playing cold sorc/javazon while hes playing psn or revive necro. He seems to have a lot of trouble doing any damage with psn maelstrom, is there any unique items that give %-resist or is he doing something wrong? Also the mobs in end game parts one shot us, is there any secret to surviving? Do we just farm hell cows with 8 people and hope for the best? Or do boss runs like hell baal and diablo. Should my friend switch from necro to something else, although ive tried pally and it seems to die just as fast. I've been scouring the forums/wiki for advice but cant really find a guide for starting end game content all I see are char guides with the best in slot gear. I dont have the gold nor resources to get that gear at inferno cows etc.

TLDR: How can we easily transition into end game content with just the two of us? Farming spots etc