Hi everyone, I'd like to use the pre-3.4 moment to suggest some possibilities that I believe to be able to make other characters more competitive in PVM.

When it comes to BOSSES, a huge number of crushing blows, with smite, for example, that hits without AR, or WW that hits very very very fast, will give those characters a great advantage in both surviving and nuking the boss hp in a good speed, no matter how many players are in the game (dmg-wise)

So here are the ideas for some characters:
Assassin's Dragon Talon: make it have an INSANE bonus to AR OR make it hit like Smite (i'd love the second option )
Druid's Fury could have something like that too.

Amazons Jab hitting 100% would be nice too, but amazons are way too powerful in other areas like mass murdering of packs, so I'm trying to focus on characters that we dont see so often being played.

About other changes:

In Eastern Sun, the latest releases, the assassin has a shadow master that can pretty much solo any normal monsters in the game, due to her high lvl skills, and you can have 2 of them.

So, I'd say change wolves and bear from 5-3-1 to 7-5-3, and make the asn have 2 shadow masters (according to skill points invested), also giving the shadow master some kind of sinergy, or a shadow mastery as in ES.

The skelly mages are so weak that they could be changed to some other summon, like skelly archers with a decent dmg, or even be removed and given to another character, it could be given to the paladin, change it to some priests or something, and have him boost them with the use of auras.

Also, i'd swap tornado and twister, making twister be the lvl 24 skill and give it the dmg of tornado, that would already help a bit, or make tornado have the effects of a ranged melee attack (1/16 cblow, some life steal, and maybe reduce its base dmg and use the weapon dmg too, it would be nice to see people balancing FCR while taking care of dmg).

Well, I also insist on merc full gear, making them weaker than now but able to have more options and builds, it has to be done wisely since it gives so many new build possibilities that it could quickly unbalance everything in the mod, especially when people gather in parties.