The idea is simple:

have 7 places drop each dragon ball, from 1 star to 7 stars, then cube with a scroll sold by hadriel, having him sell different types of wishes, with a text in each of them being the wish, for example, "Sheng Long, I wish to be able to summon you to aid me in battle", "Sheng Long, I wish you give me 500 permanent life points", "Sheng Long, I wish +30 to all my resistances, permanent", "Sheng Long, etc etc etc", and when the wish is made, it turns a boolean var to 1, like $wishmade = 1, making the character not able to make a second wish.

it would be fun if the dragon balls were rare enough to be worth trading, but not rare enough like that skill jewel

the wishes would end up working like an annihilus char, just invisible to the character, so the person cant swap between wishes, and it would be permanent, after all, it's Sheng Long granting a wish