1) Griswold's set

I trust I don't have to elaborate much about the use or rather non-use of this set. It definitely needs to be buffed and tweaked to at least serve some kind of playable paladin build (probably for a smiter but also perhaps at the same time as some kind of support paladin).

Possible changes/tweaks

A) The meditation aura given by the whole set should become some kind of offensive aura (perhaps might, concentration, or maybe something new that combines effects)

There is no reason for the meditation aura when insight on an act 2 mercenary can provide a higher level meditation aura (and probably would be easier to find from what I hear).

B) Make the weapon more comparable to Aldur's Rhythm with 1 or more of the following traits added (Note: it would be ok if 1 or more of the following were a set bonus):

I)A% to life steal
II) B to Combat Skills
III) C to Crushing Blow or Deadly Strike (perhaps even Open Wounds as another option)

C) Add vigor (or burst of speed) as a bonus either for the whole set or on the helmet
D) Add D to offensive auras on one item
E) Add E to defensive auras on one item (perhaps the shield)
F) Maybe increase damage reduction slightly (but not more than what the Immortal King set provides)