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Thread: Buffing certain items

  1. #1
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    Annihilus Account: vaudeville

    Buffing certain items

    1) Griswold's set

    I trust I don't have to elaborate much about the use or rather non-use of this set. It definitely needs to be buffed and tweaked to at least serve some kind of playable paladin build (probably for a smiter but also perhaps at the same time as some kind of support paladin).

    Possible changes/tweaks

    A) The meditation aura given by the whole set should become some kind of offensive aura (perhaps might, concentration, or maybe something new that combines effects)

    There is no reason for the meditation aura when insight on an act 2 mercenary can provide a higher level meditation aura (and probably would be easier to find from what I hear).

    B) Make the weapon more comparable to Aldur's Rhythm with 1 or more of the following traits added (Note: it would be ok if 1 or more of the following were a set bonus):

    I)A% to life steal
    II) B to Combat Skills
    III) C to Crushing Blow or Deadly Strike (perhaps even Open Wounds as another option)

    C) Add vigor (or burst of speed) as a bonus either for the whole set or on the helmet
    D) Add D to offensive auras on one item
    E) Add E to defensive auras on one item (perhaps the shield)
    F) Maybe increase damage reduction slightly (but not more than what the Immortal King set provides)

  2. #2
    Junior Member
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    i like it but always be on the look out to make new sets girz is and always will be a good set but as we have seen with the cow set
    a new set that can be use on pala or even any mele char would be more agreeable to me i love the cow set // the new items that end game boss drop mabby ubers could or new area could even drop parts of the new set could have a blade and a helm n armor or just like 3 deff items i like the caster set i just do not se anything useing the full pys set and i think it has to do with the wepon a 2hnd pala dont use to easly so mabby just make new set 4 better results cuzz i love the idea about sets still being cool n ik/cows set being used alot mavs to
    i guss my thing is i wanna se new items hell make the new courrptid items a set that would be cool as well jut little thing to look at but yes most sets need better makeovers...thank s

  3. #3
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    I probably should have added the disclaimer to the above that the set should be treated as a starter set like those for the Bow Amazon, Sorceress in general, Assassin in general, Throw Shield Barbarian, etc.
    Last edited by vaudeville; 05-27-2016 at 06:15 AM.

  4. #4
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    2) Heaven's Fury Seraph rod

    A) First and foremost, replace/change the FOH physical damage conversion modifier to something similar to the added physical damage modifier that the Paladin Abyss Sphere has but in this case adds "Magic" damage (Note: such doesn't have to be 100% extra "Magic" damage)

    B) Replace/change the Holy Shock to Fanaticism synergy conversion. I understand the intent for this weapon was to serve as a hybrid for either a zealer and/or FOH paladin, but I find that it serves neither well (especially the FOH paladin). I think the intent would be better served if instead Fanaticism was an added synergy boost (not a replacement) which would then give the player the option either to max Fanaticism (and put points on Zeal too) or Holy Shock (and additional points perhaps on conviction). It's either that or the weapon should provide additional points to fanaticism (or even Holy Shock) should the player decide to want to use this more as a Zealer or more as a FOH paladin.

    C) Give such one of the following additional traits

    I) One extra socket,
    II) An AR bonus (or fanaticism bonus),
    III) Crushing blow instead of deadly strike, or
    IV) X% Life steal

    Other related suggestions/notes
    1) I don't get the point of the added FCR modifier since FOH has a cool down period (nevermind that the player may get distracted by using the weapon as a physical one as well). I also would point out that the last time I used this weapon as one for a zealer, I had a huge problem with AR. So unless fanaticism or Zeal gets an AR bonus, I think I would rather see this weapon give an AR bonus than FCR.

    2) I would also recommend making the above weapon have a more fixed in built damage base so as to make the potential laundry list of modifiers shorter.
    Last edited by vaudeville; 05-27-2016 at 06:18 AM.

  5. #5
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    yeah, I understand the point of vaudeville, Griswold is the worst class set in the world, and I've never seen someone actually use it at all. And at the same time, gathering the full set in annihilus can be even harder than in vanilla D2, it's the hardest of all sets to find, so I agree that it could be at least a little bit useful :P

    I want your opinion vaudeville, what do you think about the stormshield the way it is now?

  6. #6
    Senior Member LordManhammer's Avatar
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    I think that if Blessed Hammer was made to be a fun ability again the Griz set would be useful as is. Imagine how awesome it would be if you could cast it at range like Maelstrom or if you could throw the hammers like the Barb throws his shield.
    Last edited by LordManhammer; 05-26-2016 at 02:58 PM.

  7. #7
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    Griswold's is really a bad set made worse still by it being a bit difficult to find (I don't have as much trouble as other people seem to have, but it certainly isn’t as easy to find as other sets not that it matters).

    Regarding the stormshield, I think its ok as is. Maybe if it had another socket (or I should say 2) it would definitely make such a lot more versatile to use and very helpful early on. If anything, I’m a little more concerned about other unique shields except the corrupted shield in terms of damage reduction which every other shield including runewords lack and also in terms of number of sockets. .

    As far as Lordmanhammer’s suggestion of perhaps gearing a buffed future set to use hammers, I have no idea. It sounds interesting, but I highly doubt the end result would make hammers capable of dealing with anything beyond say the plaguelands. I think the set should give preference to smite or even searing light which is actually not as bad as I thought it would be (just recently tested it a bit). I think the idea you offered ought to be something for a specific late-game item. Maybe something that combines searing light and hammers (that would be pretty sick since Searing light lowers magic resistance)? I don’t know. That could certainly answer a problem I have with Khalim's Hope or rather hammers in general.
    Last edited by vaudeville; 05-27-2016 at 06:21 AM.

  8. #8
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    Maybe turn holy bolt into a hammer skill that bounces or splits, even if it's like... 1 that turns to 2 that turns to another 2 each, up to a limit of like 7 or 15 targets

  9. #9
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    3) Flamebellow Balrog Blade

    Before we begin, let’s first start with the following disclaimers and points

    A) Like a few other suggestions or tweaks I have or might suggest, this one in particular is pretty much at the bottom of my wish list.

    B) I think it’s clear this weapon is best meant for an enchantress and will be treated as such.

    C) I do realize the enchantress is a crazy build to work with and probably will not be helped enough with the following recommendations made for this weapon, but I felt like throwing it out there for future consideration.

    D) I will assume this weapon is used in conjunction with some of the following items:
    I) Tyrael’s Might
    II) Steelrend (for CB, more strength, and splash damage)
    III) Threads of Valusia (for DS and more strength)

    That said, I would recommend some of the following buffs/tweaks for consideration for this item:

    A) The 10 to 20 to all attributes should be doubled to 20 to 40,
    B) A% to Crushing Blow,
    C) At least 2 sockets,
    D) Fire absorb replaced with B% life steal,
    E) Both CTCs either removed completely or replaced with one that causes C% chance to cast the lower resist curse,
    F) Remove and replace the 3 to Fire Mastery and Meteor with D to Enchant,
    G) Some kind of AR bonus (probably will have to be very significant in this case), and
    H) The 3 to fire skills replaced with 3 to Sorceress Skills (to boost Energy Shield and Frozen Armor which probably should be used with this build)

    That's all I have considered so far just for the item. I'll try to give it more thought.
    Last edited by vaudeville; 05-27-2016 at 01:39 PM.

  10. #10
    Senior Member
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    Give it 3-4 sockets and ideally 3 to all skills instead of just fire and it immediately becomes very strong on a fireclaw druid. Base AR instead of the ctc firestorm might be nice as well.

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