Hey guys! I just wanted to put an update out there for everybody, as I know I have been pretty quiet for the last week or two.

The last thing I posted I said we were going to push back the ladder reset a few weeks later than the original timeframe to get in some awesome features we've been working on, as we thought they were going to be completed quicker than anticipated. It turns out, they are going to take as long as we predicted in the first place afterall. Because of this, we've decided to release the 4.0 patch without those features for now to get the content we HAVE completed out to you quicker. If everything goes as I plan for the next 2 days, we will be resetting the ladder Friday the 10th at 4:00 pm EDT.

We definitely still plan on finishing those new features and getting them to you all as soon as we can, but I have no timeframe estimate as of now. All I can say is ASAP! Some of the things you can expect to get with the upcoming reset and patch are revamped Druids and Assassins, buffed Runewords, buffed vanilla (non inferno) uniques, revamped end game items (Such as Cthulhu and Dreamlands). You will also see a pretty big endgame change, Inferno areas will not pretty much throw every high level unique at you, as we hope some uniques will hold value at end game as well. A lot of things have been changed so that items in general hold value a lot more, I will be posting the full Patch Notes hopefully by Thursday night / Friday morning. Make no mistake, even though we're cutting some content to get this out sooner, there are still TONS of changes. I think you all will thoroughly enjoy it. If the targeted reset date of Friday the 10th changes, I will let you all know ASAP.