Quote Originally Posted by Icehammer View Post
I did what u told and still getting stucked in the 8% (look at the upper windows bar: http://imgur.com/a/2O69Q)
I tried upgrade by the diablo II.exe and also get stuck in the same point: http://imgur.com/a/wNUti
And, finally, when i use the Annihilusupdater.exe, it says that the d2PK/patch_d2.mpq is crashed... maybe putting a clear file works, idk

There's another way to resolve this or just i must format my ssd and get into another game?
In your second screenshot you seem to be on 4.0... something about your computer is blocking the download, im almost certain you have a firewall or anti-virus you're not even aware of. Regardless, if you're on 4.0 you can play with Diablo II.exe with no issues, no?