i agree with the topic creator. havent played since 4 weeks or something. just checking the posts everyday and voting.

but yes this: "i can solo a lot, but maybe i will die because of whatever but who cares" is getting kinda boring from time to time.

in my opinion diablo 2 vanilla was great because of its different ways to play the game. so lets say 3 main builds per class that can survive and play the whole content. even without perfect gear. its different here i understand that but once again if you have a look to hardcore, well let me say thats not the mode u wanna play here.

i dont really want to play it either but it should be possible. (its like living in munich like me, loving it bc of the city and all the parks and stuff but never using them ;D )

also the boss fighting thing is fucked up. why you have several tries after death? (boss is still on hp as before) they should regain their hp atfer you died, thats normally how it works.

i love/loved this server but after playing a while im getting exhausted. i never died that many times i a game and of course you dont really care bc it takes like 5 seconds to be there again. but you should care.