Quote Originally Posted by Brimstonejack View Post
I've met some pretty cool people here, usually ready to help with everything from rushes to inferno cows to helping gear starter characters, to cutting you some slack on the price of some of the better items in the game. And I've tried to return the courtesy to others by doing the same, accepting Lo as an HR for new guys who don't know this is a Ber+ HR zone, etc.

But I've also met a lot of assholes who think it's okay to gouge players because they think they're new here. We're talking 15 Hrs ber+ for single cow set pieces, or they'll only sell for gold. And I'm talking $110+ worth for cow sets. All because they don't recognize your name, and don't think you know any better. Whe it first happened to me a while back, I just thought it was funny, because the guy was an obvious scammer. But then it kept happening more and more.

My point is that it's pissed me off. It makes the game unenjoyable for me. And notice I use the term "for me." Other people have more friends here, better conections, money to buy gold, win every tournament to win gold, more time to farm, etc. And I'm fine with that. Not mad at the people I see geared to the gills in any way. But the greed of a handful of people when I'm looking for items that are fairly common has soured me for now. So I'm gonna take a break. Maybe pop on here and there to say hi, but I'm not gonna sweat farming, building non-cookie cutter characters, trading, grinding, etc. If you happen to see me on and would like a rush or need a quick hand with something, I'll help out. But the aforementioned assholes have sucked the joy out of the server for me. At least for now.

Sorry to her your experience has been rough lately, I really hope to see you come back and play.