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Thread: Ladder Reset

  1. #1
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    Annihilus Account: nedamettin

    Ladder Reset

    Hello everyone. To be honest I was planning to not use forums at all after arguing with Game, yet this is my "trash game" to play while watching a stream or chilling. A huge part of is that you can progress in this game only by sitting in a game and trading sometimes. That's why I just can't give up on playing D2 on Annihilus server, because I also don't want to farm Baal over and over again until something drops. Most of you who know me also know that I rarely farm (I will get to the point "why") and host a trade game and sell my goodies. I haven't paid any money, never scammed someone in the game and I am playing single yet I am one of the "rich" guys... and it is getting boring and boring.

    People who already obtained end-game gear (who are.. %80 of the total population?) got bored of the game. Many people like me have multiple fully geared, end-game capable characters who need very limited things from game which may or may not drop at all, like Flame Horizon for me.

    Also trading is ruined since almost every item in game is not rare at all and high runes are stacked too many. People who need a certain rare item like an Annihilus with a certain skill can't find something valuable to counter-offer because other party's needs are very rare aswell and it is almost impossible for two people to have these certain items to trade. Happened to me in multiple occasions.

    There is almost no teamwork left in game aswell. When we had the last wipe there were max player count inferno games with people actually trying to help eachother with completing sets etc. Crucible is a certain solo-able activity for some builds meanwhile it is literally impossible for other builds to run it solo, making certain popular items like Horadric Jewels or Nephalem's Birthright a privilege for certain players.

    My point is this: Let's have a season system like Blizzard servers. 3 or 4 months for each season should be more than enough. It'll keep the game satisfying and exciting. Also more gold related trades will happen which will help more dedicated players to get ready for next season and server itself to maintain the cash flow.

    I guess for people who wouldn't want the ladder reset, current characters would be moved to non-ladder, like how it is supposed to be.

    Thanks for reading everyone and happy farming.

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by nedamettin View Post
    Hello everyone. To be honest I was planning to not use forums at all after arguing with Game, yet this is my "trash game" to play while watching a stream or chilling. A huge part of is that you can progress in this game only by sitting in a game and trading sometimes. That's why I just can't give up on playing D2 on Annihilus server, because I also don't want to farm Baal over and over again until something drops. Most of you who know me also know that I rarely farm (I will get to the point "why") and host a trade game and sell my goodies. I haven't paid any money, never scammed someone in the game and I am playing single yet I am one of the "rich" guys... and it is getting boring and boring.

    People who already obtained end-game gear (who are.. %80 of the total population?) got bored of the game. Many people like me have multiple fully geared, end-game capable characters who need very limited things from game which may or may not drop at all, like Flame Horizon for me.

    Also trading is ruined since almost every item in game is not rare at all and high runes are stacked too many. People who need a certain rare item like an Annihilus with a certain skill can't find something valuable to counter-offer because other party's needs are very rare aswell and it is almost impossible for two people to have these certain items to trade. Happened to me in multiple occasions.

    There is almost no teamwork left in game aswell. When we had the last wipe there were max player count inferno games with people actually trying to help eachother with completing sets etc. Crucible is a certain solo-able activity for some builds meanwhile it is literally impossible for other builds to run it solo, making certain popular items like Horadric Jewels or Nephalem's Birthright a privilege for certain players.

    My point is this: Let's have a season system like Blizzard servers. 3 or 4 months for each season should be more than enough. It'll keep the game satisfying and exciting. Also more gold related trades will happen which will help more dedicated players to get ready for next season and server itself to maintain the cash flow.

    I guess for people who wouldn't want the ladder reset, current characters would be moved to non-ladder, like how it is supposed to be.

    Thanks for reading everyone and happy farming.
    There are a few people who like longer seasons though because they don't get to play as much, and they don't want everything resetting by the time they get anywhere. I have been thinking about finding a medium honestly, to keep things fresh but not making people feel like they'll lose all of their hard work too soon. Starting next year I was considering on going to a static schedule for resets so everyone knows way ahead of time when we'd reset. I am thinking a system like a reset in March, and then one in September. This gives us 6 month seasons, and this way it also keeps limited edition items such as Halloween and Christmas event items becoming useless or non-ladder as soon as you get them because it is right at the beginning or middle of the season.

    I would love input on this from the players, especially people who buy Gold sometimes. Of course all characters would go to non-ladder each reset, and not get erased like the previous reset. That was a one time thing to make some huge system changes.

  3. #3
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    i like ladder resets
    Quote Originally Posted by nooV View Post
    these guys refuse to play on the chars they signed up
    tweak rules to their favor
    what happens in this case do they get disqualified?

    dont feed the gators

  4. #4
    Regular Member bgtomsk's Avatar
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    I dont get how an immediate ladder reset will solve your problem of getting bored.

    Quote Originally Posted by nedamettin View Post
    Also trading is ruined since almost every item in game is not rare at all and high runes are stacked too many. People who need a certain rare item like an Annihilus with a certain skill can't find something valuable to counter-offer because other party's needs are very rare aswell and it is almost impossible for two people to have these certain items to trade. Happened to me in multiple occasions.
    What u want will continue like 1-2 weeks after reset, u need reset every week to get rid of this problem?

    Quote Originally Posted by nedamettin View Post
    People who already obtained end-game gear (who are.. %80 of the total population?) got bored of the game. Many people like me have multiple fully geared, end-game capable characters who need very limited things from game which may or may not drop at all, like Flame Horizon for me.
    Well, I'm not bored, I start one build after another, there are too many place for experiments so it will take more than a year for me to explore everything. Just start a new build or giveaway all your gear and start all over again.

    Quote Originally Posted by nedamettin View Post
    There is almost no teamwork left in game aswell.
    try to find a clan or make one

    Try to think differently, maybe not the game makes u boring, but u make it boring for yourself.

  5. #5
    Senior Member LordManhammer's Avatar
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    Concerning what was said about trade being ruined, I think that we need to create more uses for runes. There are only so many builds that will use a runeword in a specific gear slot in it's endgame setup and once it's been made it usually doesn't need to be made again(unless you are filthy rich and want to waste runes rerolling it for a couple extra levels of the aura it provides). I like the direction that Game has gone so far with things like the recipe for converting divine gems into orbs or using runes as reagents for enchants but I feel like there is still a need to add more cube recipes. If there are more recipes that will permanently remove runes from circulation they will be rare again and therefore more valuable. Especially if they have uses that fully geared players will actually want or need to use. How cool would it be if you could add a ctc or an aura or just +to all skills to a rare item by cubing it with a specific combination of HRs. That might make rares something you would consider using in a gear slot instead of the insane uniques that keep being added to the game. Maybe we could make crafting rare charms an actual thing. Maybe we could augment existing skill GCs with additional properties that would buff specific spells within the family of spells that they pertain to(+1 to bow skills that adds one more projectile to exploding arrow). I'm sure that I could think of more. Most if not all probably can't be done but I think you get the jist

  6. #6
    There will be 1 more major patch before the next reset, we will be doing some major testing with new opportunities with runes. Hopefully with this we'll have all the issues ironed out before the next season

  7. #7
    Senior Member LordManhammer's Avatar
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  8. #8
    Regular Member tragos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LordManhammer View Post
    Concerning what was said about trade being ruined, I think that we need to create more uses for runes. There are only so many builds that will use a runeword in a specific gear slot in it's endgame setup and once it's been made it usually doesn't need to be made again(unless you are filthy rich and want to waste runes rerolling it for a couple extra levels of the aura it provides). I like the direction that Game has gone so far with things like the recipe for converting divine gems into orbs or using runes as reagents for enchants but I feel like there is still a need to add more cube recipes. If there are more recipes that will permanently remove runes from circulation they will be rare again and therefore more valuable. Especially if they have uses that fully geared players will actually want or need to use. How cool would it be if you could add a ctc or an aura or just +to all skills to a rare item by cubing it with a specific combination of HRs. That might make rares something you would consider using in a gear slot instead of the insane uniques that keep being added to the game. Maybe we could make crafting rare charms an actual thing. Maybe we could augment existing skill GCs with additional properties that would buff specific spells within the family of spells that they pertain to(+1 to bow skills that adds one more projectile to exploding arrow). I'm sure that I could think of more. Most if not all probably can't be done but I think you get the jist
    That's what I call motivation!

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by bgtomsk View Post
    I dont get how an immediate ladder reset will solve your problem of getting bored.


    What u want will continue like 1-2 weeks after reset, u need reset every week to get rid of this problem?


    Well, I'm not bored, I start one build after another, there are too many place for experiments so it will take more than a year for me to explore everything. Just start a new build or giveaway all your gear and start all over again.


    try to find a clan or make one


    Try to think differently, maybe not the game makes u boring, but u make it boring for yourself.

    To answer your questions:

    1) I am playing on this server since the last "needed wipe" and I haven't left the server, so I don't get bored in a week or two.

    2) If you noticed, I said "many people" not "everyone". Which means there ARE people who still enjoy the game as it is. Also if you know how a LADDER RESET works, you'd know that your items/characters will not be gone and you can keep playing and experimenting with them.

    3) Problem is that almost NO ONE requires teamwork at this stage of the game. Almost everyone is rich enough to solo run most contents and there are some builds that just can't run it. Ask Lukifer about how his fully geared Barb can't run Crucible because he has no meatshields or any geared Sorceress would say that. If I want to run Crucible or something I can just put my 2nd or 3rd character in and clear anything I want with my tank Necro.

    4) It has been months since the last wipe. How can it be immediate?
    Last edited by nedamettin; 10-24-2016 at 12:23 AM.

  10. #10
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    SC will never be team based imo its just not going to happen when your basicaly imortal and there are certain classes that can solo. the only place this will happen is on HC but people wont play HC just to get one shotted and loose it all. if your bored on SC come to HC and i belive you will find what your looking for.
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