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Thread: 4.2 patch thoughts

  1. #1
    Junior Member sleezy2's Avatar
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    Annihilus Account: sleezy2

    4.2 patch thoughts

    love the new patch, got me back thinking of new builds and playing the entire map trying to find the new items. found a couple of them and tried out some cool builds. Was alot of fun experimenting and playing all the inferno areas! Then I noticed the only way to get the uber elite items was to grind diablo again! damn it! search for map,newgame...... and then to teleport just to kill one monster!!! or i could kill santa (one monster), that takes 5-10 seconds and then new game. its incredibly boring. OHh i will keep doing it (not the point)

    would have been cool if santa just randomly appeared in an inferno area and always dropped gift. Or if you added the new uber items to the crucible, make 1-9 as hard as 12-20 and add the items in. or the dream of another crucible!

    I just kept telling myself while i was mindlessly farming, that once i get an item i can start doing the crucible again! farm some horadric jewels and then try to complete the crucible with that build. The crucible has been far my favorite aspect of the game, it is rewarding surving the 2 dragons on 10 to just have the next challenge of bone spirits flying at u and then taking on cain( love those horads), finding my first thunderfury was way more satisfying than finding any other item in the game.

    I feel that there should be more aspects of that in the game, reward for completing a challenging task. rather than mindless 10 second farming then new game..... OR mindless searching for the right level.

  2. #2
    Regular Member
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    Annihilus Account: Brimstonejack

    They're remaking Crucible, i believe next patch.
    "Fuck 'em if they can't take a joke." - J.R. "Bob" Dobbs

  3. #3
    Regular Member
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    Bristol - England
    Annihilus Account: Pulse37

    kinda agree. Loved searching for the new vanilla uniques and running different inferno levels. After the christmas event I would love to see mark of sin drop from inferno areas like puzzle and trag, but obviously rarer.

  4. #4
    Hey guys. Mark of Sin is specific to Diablo for a reason, it makes it rarer, and also it has a little story to it. While the Azmodan items are awesome, we added so many more new vanilla uniques specifically to let people do much more content without having to do the same old bosses over and over, even Diablo can drop the new vanillas. We will be added more and more vanillas as we go on, just because one piece of new content is related to one specific monster doesn't mean there isn't plenty more to do.(technically 4 monsters, as it can drop off ANY "Diablo" monster).

    Santa is a limited time monster obviously, making him spawn randomly in different levels is not as easy as it sounds. I wanted him easy to access so people can experience our seasonal content without hunting for it.

    As for the Crucible, I have mentioned before it is getting a full rework very soon, hopefully next patch. It is going to be a lot more clean and smooth than it is now, don't worry there is always going to be all sorts of different content added, whether its team-based and strategy fights or just lucky puzzle drops. The issue I am literally making everything myself so I don't have enough time to pump in tons of new types of content each patch, so unfortunately you're stuck with Diablo hunting in 4.2 if you want the new Azmodan items, but as I said you can find the new vanilla items just about anywhere, I was hoping they would be good compensation for the new boss being so rare! The server doesn't make enough for me money for me to neglect other things to put more time into content creation, sorry There will always be more content coming though as long as people play and support Annihilus, and it will vary so hopefully people with all types of tastes will have fun.

    Most of this post is scatter brained and all over the place, I am sorry I didn't really get my point across, I just got off work and I am exhausted

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