Quote Originally Posted by Drlukifer View Post
I don't get why people are so bent out of shape about this and comparing it to vanilla d2 as if there wasn't a type of Bitcoin currency in the original.... You guys never use JSP? It's almost the same thing except you can't trade gold to someone to get the first Zod/tor/xer on the server. This is not a new concept. There are people with hundred thousands, maybe even millions of jsp forum gold that use it to not only get rich fast, but they also control the prices then... Not being able to trade gold is a big advantage over jsp, because people will want in game items in return for theirs good when ladder resets. Rather than waiting 2 weeks to afford a few hrs because the Bitcoin value is so high.
Well, one thing jsp has going for itself is the real-life trades. You can literally farm (bot) for high-lvl gear, trade it for fg, and then buy actual items (usually gift cards and shit) on jsp. It's like how d3 was at the beginning.

Still, I like annihilus's style better. Jsp prices after a couple of weeks on a new ladder just plummet down to almost nothing while on here the end-game content keeps most of its value.

Btw, when is the next reset?