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Thread: farming vanilla content to get marks!/why?

  1. #31
    Junior Member
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    Jun 2015
    Annihilus Account: norak


    new inferno area
    lots of Hard* mobs (drop nothing but mark but extremely low chance 1 in 100000) no normal loot bc its area for farming marks and such
    no tele
    end of area has boss with say 1/balanced chance to drop puzzle/mark whatever

    basically an area just for the puzle/mark.

    and by hard i mean HARD*

    /i see future and say there is a new cruci-like area but for marks/puzles a keys being common drop and mark/puzzle being uncommon or even rare drop
    Last edited by norak; 03-28-2017 at 05:31 AM.

  2. #32
    Junior Member sleezy2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by norak View Post

    new inferno area
    lots of Hard* mobs (drop nothing but mark but extremely low chance 1 in 100000) no normal loot bc its area for farming marks and such
    no tele
    end of area has boss with say 1/balanced chance to drop puzzle/mark whatever

    basically an area just for the puzle/mark.

    and by hard i mean HARD*

    /i see future and say there is a new cruci-like area but for marks/puzles a keys being common drop and mark/puzzle being uncommon or even rare drop
    i like the idea!!i would like marks still beeing really rare though. dont want everyone having elite gear!

    cruci is easier than expected. was alot of fun at start but would be ncie to have a seconday area after farming crucible. would be a diffrent progression of the game, after getting enough horads and elite gear from crucible you could have a more challenging run that would need a good clan to finish... Maybe even have that secondary area (crucible #2 ) drop book of abyss as a really rare drop. alteast having that would show that you deserve it more so than just running mothing but frag runs.

    crucible #2 ideas is having rift diablo,cthulu and uldy as the end boss fight!! my god that would be intense.

    would be cool to see more inferno bosses in it aswell.

  3. #33
    Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lampogriz View Post
    time rift is boring asf
    farming keys is boring asf
    farming frags is boring asf

    i agree with Sleezy
    You are forced to killing 1000+ times one boss with high end geared char, who kills him in 1-2 shots. Comletely retarded.

    Better remake fake tombs or ancient tunnels with high level mobs, who have chance to drop mark of lies (real chance).
    Same to black soulstone with different endgame area.
    Same to mark of sin.
    i gave the idea of remaking the fake tombs for something else to do. at this point im not even playing because the game is too based around team work which id rather solo farm everything so no one can take all drops. but better drop rates and something for solo people would be better like even out the difficulties for certain areas instead of ilvl 85 pl monsters that are harder than baals minions which are hihger than ilvl85

  4. #34
    New Member Bloodangel's Avatar
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    I 100% agree with sleezy and savior on just being able to see these new areas, last ladder i farmed like crazy joined a clan and still only saw tyrael one time. now this ladder i have farmed for marks so much even my wife is pissed. I Personally have Never Ever found any type of mark or tyrael key what so ever since i joined this server, and i play a massive amount. simply put i (as well as many others) would just love to be able to SEE the endgame content, and be able to just fight the bosses, not necessarily for all the end game godly gear that they drop (although that is a really great perk) but just for the experience of being able to finally actually see the content/fight the boss in general.

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