I decided to make a video to make things more clear and accurate.

My question is : Does the nado druid is in a good spot right now ? considering he take 1:00 to kill 1st cruci boss WITCH HES NOT IMMUNE TO COLD.

considering , multi other char can slam him in 5 seconds , i think the people who claim druid are in a good spot clearly didnt test their damage quite well.

I understand crucible wasn't made for soloing content , but this boss isn't supose to take 1 Mins to kill with a nado druid , i cant even think trying the 2nd boss and so on

And with the gear I have , Witch is pretty much end game , 22k nado shouldn't take 1mins to kill chimera.

I am not here to whine about the recent nerf , cause i play other char , but i do fell druid needs somethings. maybe increase the FPS to 5 insted of 8 , or increase the damage

I love ele druid , and I'd like to see them more in line with other builds , I'm not asking to make them like in 4.0 , but just a little bit better for 5.0


I'm I the only one that tried nado druid in 5.0 ? What do you guys think ?

Lets discuss