subscribers cant trade gold to others tho. no one can trade gold. you can gift it which is buying it onto some one elses acct but there is no way you can trade gold you already have. you can buy things from hadriel and trade that for items. but the only way id see selling items for gold working is if it was a separate type of gold and if there was a server vendor who could hold said items that are sold to it so that vendor could then sell it to the servor for that same type of gold. although i dont think that is possible with this engine as it would have to refresh every milisecond just so when an item is bought it cant be bought again. also there are lots of people trading items for hrs and divines. hell ill even except keys and frags and im sure others would too. look at the trade forums here im sure youll find what you need unless its a mark item or puzzle box item. but i couldnt agree more on the effects. we need more! skill effects would be awesome as well as player effects. but hope this post helps you understand how gold works on the trading aspect.