Khalim's Hope +4 Berserk
Templar's Might x3
FireLizard's Talons
Titan's Revenge x2
Emblem of the edyrem
Lazarus Leathers x4
Death's Fathom
Mad Rush x2
Khalim's Hope +3 Blessed hammer
Leoric's Folly
The twins Anger
Death's Fervor
Arm of king Leoric
Short circuit
Cerbus Virus
Tal's orb x2 (free)
Wisp projector x2
Merman's sprocket x2
Summoning skiller gc
Offensive auras skiller gc
Immortal king weapon (free)
The twins' anger
k'nar'st's ribcage x2
lvl 2 orbs of potential (lots)
The dark wanderer x3
Assa torch
Druid torch
Echoes of arreat x2
Heaven's fury
Assa soj
Squall's ammy x2
Mara's ammy
Elder of tristram
Martial arts skiller gc
Purifying flame
Griffon's eye
Khalim's rage
Druid prime
Dark messenger
Cold horad x2
Phys horad x2
Poison horad
Crushing blow chant
Caster ring
Phys ring
Nephalem's pally
Java skiller
Love (lots and free)