iron already has thorns as default. blood golem has mass regen if you use goka uln i think?

i am not saying that summoners are in a PERFECT place. i would love to have a way to gather all minions like teleport and not need to open a portal every second or lose half of them in those narrow custom maps. i would love to have option to get them tankier. i would love to have ranged versions so they wont stay /afk if you cant tp on top of a boss and make them all hit at once...

yet, they are in a much better place right now. next patch a bug related to skental power will be fixed, game says so. it will probably bump up the damage a bit more, although i don't expect much.

with my build i could run anything except crucible on my own. only problem with the summons are, they are extremely weak. they die to almost every single non-melee attack the mobs have. you don't even use zombies most of the time because they are too fragile and need corpses so you rather go with all-in skeletons.

i have 3 simple solutions for this issue:

add some summoner specific items/enchants that gives them defensive bonusses. we have ALL damage reduction now. zombies should have at least %70 all damage reduction to survive long enough to be summoned against bosses.

an item that makes summoned skeletons share life. all summons share the same health pool. i don't know if this is possible to do in diablo 2, but this'd be very good. still zombies may die to some aoe attacks.

a healing skill that only works on summoners like skental burst, or give skental burst the effect of holy bolt (damage to enemies, heal to the others). this would be the most fair option since player itself wouldn't be able to stay idle. i think this is also very doable.

3rd option sounds like the better option. but regardless of what i've written so far (or you) won't matter. game said he is completely done with the necromancer summoner tree and he won't touch it. so...... welcome to the druids?