Top tier items and how to get them:

FF8- farm skulls and specific unique items
Cruci- drops could improve but its fun
Trials- lvl as many heroes as you can in the same class to lvl 95 swap gear and redo trials. I love trials but it has turned into a very shitty way to farm. Sustainability in end game farming/content has turned into what almost feels like an exploit. Not to mention its not enjoyable.

I dont beleive Alex wanted end game farming to be lvling chars to lvl 95 and swap gear. In order to get top tier items its the best way to do so.

Options to eleviate end game farming boredom

-Guaranteed trial token drops from ultima.
- open trials. Would give 5 more maps to farm instead of one.

Love the new patch. Corrupt orbs /omega / maps has added more end game content and longevity. Its just unfortunate the only way to farm mark items is by leveling chars and swapping gear.