Hey Kita

i had a pretty long pause too now, but im pretty sure that old content still is viable to gear up. So, my advice would be to just do the same stupid farming as in normal Diablo 2 Lod. Mephisto/Cows/Pindleskin etc. Whatever you like most.
Best to do so in a game with other ppl in (or with your own fillers, since you can open more than one instances at atime). Look for the new uniqs and every little crafting item that is a possible upgrade for you. Theres a lot of consumeables that you can enchant your gear with that really helps you get better in what you do.

And at some point the "oneshot"-content gets doable or even easy.

Also i would recommend you using the Discord of this modserver. It can be found in the Forums: https://discordapp.com/invite/jrNww3x
The community pretty much transfered over there and only a few will answer your questions here in the forums.

gl and have fun its a great server! Dont give up