Try to somehow get to around 100-150 magic find. On rares if not on uniqs.

Then farm the easy uniq monsters near the wps or just farm unstable rifts if youre able to.
Uniq monsters worthy would be: Rakanishu (stony field), bone ash (inner cloister), fire eye (sanctuary wp, then portal backwards to the palast cellar), act 5 wp1 eldtrich and shenk. Thats basically what i did.

Unstable rifts are randomly spread across the world. Try act1,2,3 and 5 wps until you see purple colored monsters. If theres a purple monster around, theres a unstable rift in that area that you can find and farm. Rifts are harder to pull off than uniq monsters.

They drop "good". Still you have to do that quite a time until you find gears for you. Otherwise just trade with other ppl the stuff you dont use yourself.

As for your last question i cannot really help you. I havent played much melee druid yet.
Guess, thats your turn to figure out