Hi All,

I've got a few suggestions to share with the community if they are at all possible within the Annihilus Realm.

1. Horadric Cube/Quest Items Revamp

- The Horadric Cube is now reduced to take up only 1 Slot within the Inventory/Stash, allowing even more space then before! (Who doesn't love more space!)

- Possibly even start the game with the Horadric Cube in Stash/Inventory making muling even easier, or upgrading low level runes/gems early on!

- Quest items are reduced to take up only 1 slot within inventory/stash. (examples: Key of Destruction, Key of Hate, Key of Terror, Act 1 Wirt's Leg, Act 1 Horadric Malus, Act 1 Scroll of Inifuss, Act 2 Staff of Kings, Act 2 Book of Skill, Act 2 Horadric Staff, Act 2 Horadric Scroll, Act 3 The Gidbinn, Act 3 Lam Esen's Tome, Act 3 Golden Bird, Act 3 Jade Figurine, Act 3 Khalim's Flail, Act 3 Khalim's Will, Act 4 Hellforge Hammer, Act 5 Scroll of Resistance).

2. Shrines Revamp

- All Shrines recharge/regenerate much quicker, increased durations, and also stack on each other.

3. Character Creation Revamp

- Can create "X" number of characters per account (Great for not having to create multiple accounts for muling).

Let me know what you guys think about these suggestions. I'm not sure if any can be done or not, but I thought I'd share these with you to get the ball rolling! As always thanks to the DEVS anyone contributing to this server and allowing us to relive the experience of one of the greatest games to be made REVAMPED!!!